Friday, November 29, 2019
Chinese Economic Reform Essays (4177 words) - Chinese Communists
Chinese Economic Reform Two years after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, it became apparent to many of China's leaders that economic reform was necessary. During his tenure as China's premier, Mao had encouraged social movements such as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution which had had as their bases ideologies such as serving the people and maintaining the class struggle. By 1978 "Chinese leaders were searching for a solution to serious economic problems produced by Hua Guofeng, the man who had succeeded Mao Zedong as CCP leader after Mao's death" (Shirk 35). Hua had demonstrated a desire to continue the ideologically based movements of Mao. Unfortunately, these movements had left China in a state where "agriculture was stagnant, industrial production was low, and the people's living standards had not increased in twenty years" (Nathan 200). This last area was particularly troubling. While "the gross output value of industry and agriculture increased by 810 percent and national income grew by 420 percent [between 1952 and 1980] ... average individual income increased by only 100 percent" (Ma Hong quoted in Shirk 28). However, attempts at economic reform in China were introduced not only due to some kind of generosity on the part of the Chinese Communist Party to increase the populace's living standards. It had become clear to members of the CCP that economic reform would fulfill a political purpose as well since the party felt, properly it would seem, that it had suffered a loss of support. As Susan L. Shirk describes the situation in The Political Logic of Economic Reform in China, restoring the CCP's prestige required improving economic performance and raising living standards. The traumatic experience of the Cultural Revolution had eroded popular trust in the moral and political virtue of the CCP. The party's leaders decided to shift the base of party legitimacy from virtue to competence, and to do that they had to demonstrate that they could deliver the goods. (23) This movement "from virtue to competence" seemed to mark a serious departure from orthodox Chinese political theory. Confucius himself had posited in the fifth century BCE that those individuals who best demonstrated what he referred to as moral force should lead the nation. Using this principle as a guide, China had for centuries attempted to choose at least its bureaucratic leaders by administering a test to determine their moral force. After the Communist takeover of the country, Mao continued this emphasis on moral force by demanding that Chinese citizens demonstrate what he referred to as "correct consciousness." This correct consciousness could be exhibited, Mao believed, by the way people lived. Needless to say, that which constituted correct consciousness was often determined and assessed by Mao. Nevertheless, the ideal of moral force was still a potent one in China even after the Communist takeover. It is noteworthy that Shirk feels that the Chinese Communist Party leaders saw economic reform as a way to regain their and their party's moral virtue even after Mao's death. Thus, paradoxically, by demonstrating their expertise in a more practical area of competence, the leaders of the CCP felt they could demonstrate how they were serving the people. To be sure, the move toward economic reform came about as a result of a "changed domestic and international environment, which altered the leadership's perception of the factors that affect China's national security and social stability" (Xu 247). But Shirk feels that, in those pre-Tienenmen days, such a move came about also as a result of an attempt by CCP leaders to demonstrate, in a more practical and thus less obviously ideological manner than Mao had done, their moral force. This is not to say that the idea of economic reform was embraced enthusiastically by all members of the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party in 1978. To a great extent, the issue of economic reform became politicized as the issue was used as a means by Deng Xiaoping to attain the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. Mao's successor, Hua Guofeng, had "tried to prove himself a worthy successor to Mao by draping himself in the mantle of Maoist tradition. His approach to economic development was orthodox Maoism with an up-to-date, international twist" (Shirk 35). This approach was tied heavily to the development of China's oil reserves. "[W]hen [in 1978] estimates of the oil reserves were revised downward[,] commitments to import plants and expand heavy industry could not be sustained" (Shirk 35). Deng took advantage of this economic crisis to discredit Hua and aim for leadership of the party. "Reform policies became Deng's platform
Monday, November 25, 2019
Televisions role in the 1950s
Televisions role in the 1950s The 1950s were a period of American pride and honor. Times were great following World War II, the postwar economy was booming and never have so many people had so much time on their hands. People were in the spending mood and the businessmen found a medium in which they can get their products to the consumers. The television came into be the medium in communicating to the people. Unlike the radio before it, the television made it possible to view live events right in ones living room. The earliest television sets started appearing households was in the mid-1940s. By 1949 the tides were turning and the television was overtaking the radio. By 1955 the television had taken over completely, and one can be found in almost every American household. It became a way for families to bond in the newly created suburbs. The television united the American society by showing the nations politics, promoting capitalistic consumerism in advertising, and portraying images of the ideal! By the end of 1952, the television had permeated well into America with 19 million sets in American households. People were now being introduced to politics through the television. Instead of just reading or hearing about political events in the newspaper or on the radio, the people were now able to watch them on television. The first politician to achieve stardom through the television was Estes Kefauver. Estes was a Senator from Tennessee, who was such a poor speaker to audiences that he grabbed their attention through sympathy. In 1948, Estes ran against Senator Tom Steward, and in the process, to challenge the powerful machine of boss Ed Crump in Memphis. He won the election handily, and stopping organized crime in America was next on his list (Halberstam: The 1950s). By 1951, the New York area alone in the previous twelve months, the number of homes with television se...
Friday, November 22, 2019
HISTORY (1861-1992) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
HISTORY (1861-1992) - Research Paper Example Du Bois used mostly his own experiences of being an African-American in an American society to develop the essays and illustrate the conditions of the souls of those African-American and outline how their living conditions felt. In the forethought to the book where Du Bois offers a brief introduction, he says, 'Herein lie buried many things which if read with patience may show the strange meaning of being black here in the dawning of the Twentieth Century.' (Du Bois, Forethought). This book was an essential insight into the souls of the black folk, standing not only for its time, but perhaps holding true even today, despite considerable progress and change. This essay aims to examine that proposition and prove that it is indeed true. In the aforementioned forethought, Du Bois laid down the foundation of the theme the rest of the book was to focus on, and through which he explains the conditions of those African-Americans. He does so by referencing to a certain Veil (with the V capita lized to indicate its being an entity of its own and not just a commonplace divide) that divided or partitioned the African-American man from his American surroundings. He compares the veil to a certain line that divides color, or a color line, as he also calls it, and says that every African-American lives within it and views his world in reference to it. Elaborating on this veil, he further goes on to say in the following chapter, when relating an experience as a little boy where he was forced to acknowledge his being different, and where he realized the existance of this veil first, that ââ¬Å"... it dawned upon me with a certain suddenness that I was different from the others; or like, may-hap, in heart and life and longing, but shut out from their world by a vast veil. I had thereafter no desire to tear down that veil, to creep through; I held all beyond it in common contempt and lived above itâ⬠¦.â⬠(Du Bois, Chapter 1). But he goes on to say that even though he in h is own vision had decided to keep all beyond it in contempt and beat them all, he realized that he could not, for everything was theirs to own, and he could merely desire to own it from them. With a poverty rate that's almost double than that for white Americans (O'Hare, 2009) is that not something many under-privileged African-American youths of today can also relate to? Du Bois further remarked at how it felt to be an outcast, or a 'problem', or to be viewed as one, and how as a result of it, he found his peers withdrawing to within this Veil and wasting themselves away in bitterness. Du Bois also says that the reason racism exists and continue to block the inhibition of the African-American man is because of this Veil and the distance and isolation they feel beneath it, a feeling, that despite the democracy and progress is still applicable to and experienced by many (Alexander, 2008). Towards the second half of the book, Du Bois, in his position and time, aimed to minimize this d istance and aura of isolation around the common African-American man living in an American society and says, 'The present generation of Southerners is not responsible for the past, and they should not be blindly hated or blamed for it.' (Du Bois, Chapter 3). He also references the achievements of Booker T. Washington, and said that while he had done much to bring about harmony among the African-American and white American folk, his policies of encouraging African-Americans to give up their political power, civil rights and higher
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Skin lightening obsession in asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Skin lightening obsession in asia - Essay Example Man is asocial being whose decisions concerning several aspects of the society are influenced by a number of factors especially by the things that happen around them. With the coming and expansion of technology, the human society has realized tremendous expansion through knowledge of distant places thus influencing peopleââ¬â¢s perceptions concerning various activities and events taking place around the globe. The problems associated with the practice of skin lightening among various societies have prompted the backgrounds of this study Skin lightening is utterly influenced by the societyââ¬â¢s definition of beauty as influenced by the dominant cultures, majorly the western culture. Different societies have different definitions for the term beauty and the asscoiated apearences. Due to the close connectivity between various sociaeties through the internet connectivity and technolgogical developments, these definitions have continued to tremendously influence perceptioons in the other communties far and wide. However, practicin skin lightenmign has not been without its disadvantages as Bush, (2013) records hence the main concern on the influence of the media and the asociety in general in promting such practiec within it. Even though skin lightenign has been associated with beauty in some communities, skin bleaching is currently raisighn questions on the personality and ethics in different societies. As Bush notes, the demerits of lightening oneââ¬â¢s skin colouration far much outweigh the beenfits hence the constant calls to abandon such practices and adopt more sound and uproght determination of beauty in avrious communities aroudn the globe. As oppsoeed to man, women are the most affected when it comes the the crave for beauty and consequently, the need to lightent their skins as a beauty model. Skin lightenign is not
Monday, November 18, 2019
Small Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Small Groups - Essay Example The great thing was that we coped well without her because we already knew what points we needed to make. It was sometimes unexpected when one group member couldnââ¬â¢t make it, but the rest of us knew our roles and we also helped pitched in to make up for the lack of a group member I would say that the reason why our group was so successful was because there were many different cultures, styles, and personalities. There were times when some group members clashed, but the main advantage to working with such a diverse group is that everyone can offer a different opinion. More than that, everyone was open to the other group members expressing their own opinion and they were not shot down for it. This helped to create a sense of trust within the group and it also helped our meetings run smoother because we were able to work quite quickly. There were not too many factors that contributed to the groupââ¬â¢s problems, but if I had to name one I would probably say that we were too relaxed at times. It was good that we all got on well as a group, but sometimes this togetherness would lead to going off topic because we had no one to keep us on track. I would not change the fact that we were friendly with each other, but there could have been a leader appointed at the beginning so that there was someone to keep us all in check. The first time I met Trish I thought that she was a time-orientated person. She just had a look on her face that showed determination and focus. My impression of Trish has stayed relatively the same because for our group she was the one to organize everything even though there was not a group leader. For Paul, I did not know him that well but I saw him as someone who could be useful as a conversation starter. He turned out to be the joker of the group because he would lighten the atmosphere at tense moments, but he was also
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Differences between essentialism and perennialism
Differences between essentialism and perennialism Perennialists believe that the focus of education should be the ideas that have lasted over centuries. They believe the ideas are as relevant and meaningful today as when they were written. They recommend that students learn from reading and analyzing the works by historys finest thinkers and writers. Essentialists believe that when students study these works and ideas, they will appreciate learning. Similar top perennialism, essentialism aims to develop students intellectual and moral qualities. Perennialist classrooms are also centered on teachers in order to accomplish these goals. The teachers are not concerned about the students interests or experiences. They use tried and true teaching methods and techniques that are believed to be most beneficial to disciplining students minds. The perennialist curriculum is universal and is based on their view that all human beings possess the same essential nature. Perennialists think it is important that individuals think deeply, analytical ly, flexibly, and imaginatively. They emphasize that students should not be taught information that may soon be outdated or found to be incorrect. Perennialists disapprove of teachers requiring students to absorb massive amounts of disconnected information. They recommend that schools spend more time teaching about concepts and explaining they are meaningful to students. Perennial means everlasting, like a perennial flower that comes up year after year. Espousing the notion that some ideas have lasted over centuries and are as relevant today as when they were first conceived, Perennialism urges that these ideas should be the focus of education. According to Perennialists, when students are immersed in the study of those profound and enduring ideas, they will appreciate learning for its own sake and become true intellectuals. For Perennialists, the aim of education is to ensure that students acquire understandings about the great ideas of Western civilization. These ideas have the potential for solving problems in any era. The focus is to teach ideas that are everlasting, to seek enduring truths which are constant, not changing, as the natural and human worlds at their most essential level, do not change. A Perennialist views nature, human nature, and the underlying principles of existence as constant. The principles of knowledge are enduring. Truth never changes Teaching these unchanging principles is critical. Humans are rational beings, and their minds need to be developed. Thus, cultivation of the intellect is the highest priority in a worthwhile education. The demanding curriculum focuses on attaining cultural literacy, stressing students growth in enduring disciplines. The loftiest accomplishments of humankind are emphasized- the great works of literature and art, the laws or principles of science. The study of philosophy is thus a crucial part of the Perennialist curriculum. Perennialists regard essentialism, and its view that knowledge stems primarily from the empirical findings of scientists, as undermining the importance of our capacity to reason as individuals; that is, to think deeply, analytically, flexibly, and imaginatively. Perennialists emphasize, though, that students should not be taught information that may soon be obsolete or found to be incorrect because of future scientific and technological findings. Perennialists criticize the vast amount of discrete factual information that educators traditionally have required students to absorb. Perennialists urge schools to spend more time teaching about concepts and explaining how these concepts are meaningful to students. Particularly at the high school and university levels, Perennialists decry undue reliance on textbooks and lectures to communicate ideas. Perennialists suggest that a greater emphasis be placed on teacher-guided seminars, where students and teachers engage in Socratic dialogues, or mutual inquiry sessions, to develop an enhanced understanding of historys most timeless concepts. In addition, Perennialists recommend that students learn directly from reading and analyzing the Great Books. These are the creative works by historys finest thinkers and writers, which Perennialists believe are as profound, beautiful, and meaningful today as when they were written. Perennialists lament the change in universities over the centuries from places where students (and teachers) pursued truth for its own sake to mere glorified training grounds for the students careers. They believe that there is a common core of knowledge that needs to be transmitted to students in a systematic, disciplined way. The emphasis in this conservative perspective is on intellectual and moral standards that schools should teach. The core of the curriculum is essential knowledge and skills and academic rigor. Schooling should be practical, preparing students to become valuable members of society. It should focus on facts-the objective reality out thereand the basics, training students to read, write, speak, and compute clearly and logically. Schools should not try to set or influence policies. A Perennialist asks, What are the essential things a student must know? Within a Perennialist curriculum, activities are tied to the past and not to what is essential right now. The Perennialist values the past but he or she likes the back to basics movement inasmuch as the basics are the learnings of the great minds of the past. Students should be taught hard work, respect for authority, and discipline. Teachers are to help students keep their non-productive instincts in check, such as aggression or mindlessness. For the Perennialist, a great education is a study of the classics. A Perennialist teacher holds fast to a constant curriculum and holds fast to concrete materials that define what he or she will teach (rather than assessing the class and meeting the students needs). A great proponent of Perennialism is Mortimer Adler, Professor of Philosophy at Columbia University. He wrote the Paidea Proposal. His basic tenant is that an individual learns best by studying the classics. The Paideia program seeks to establish a course of study that is general, not specialized; liberal, not vocational; humanistic, not technical. Only in this way can it fulfill the meaning of the words paideia and humanities, which signify the general learning that should be in the possession of every human being. The child should be taught certain basic subjects that will acquaint him/her with the worlds permanencies: English, languages, history, mathematics, natural sciences, the fine arts, and philosophy. The child should learn reading and writing, how to speak and how to listen. He is a social being and lives in a community of men. Thus he must use his reason his powers of rationality to communicate with other men. The three Rs ARE important. Perennialists hold that subject matter should be the center of the curriculum. They feel that greater educational opportunities have lowered standards in the schools. They are particularly critical of the progressives who have placed emphasis on the interests of the child and teaching through activity and freedom. Education should introduce the pupil to the universal concerns of mankind thorough the study of the great works of literature, philosophy, history, and science. Such works represent mans finest insights into his own nature. The insights presented in these works are eternal. They do not change; they are never dated. In this way, s/he learns truths that are more important than any s/he could find by dipping into this or that in the contemporary scene, or by pursing his own interests. Education requires hard work and effort. If the student is interested in the subject, well and good, but if not, s/he still must be required to do the tasks. After all, the student does not know what s/he will need in the future. Motivation is fine, and if the teacher can provide it, well and good, but if not, the student must work at the task regardless. Discipline in the classroom is essential to learning. A noisy classroom is not a desirable place for learning to take place. Order is vital. Students cannot always think of the future. Consequently, teachers and parents must help students overcome their desire for immediate ends and direct them to future objectives. Self-discipline is fine, but most of the times it is insufficient. Adults therefore must give direction. The classroom is teacher-centered. The teacher as a professional is far more likely to know what her students will need to know in the future than do they. S/he is responsible for the education and intellectual growth of his/her students. Education requires the mastery of content, of subject matter. Education requires mental discipline. Study is hard work. Concentration and effort is required. Students must therefore being culturated in the process. Essentialism Educational essentialism is an educational philosophy whose adherents believe that children should learn the traditional basic subjects and that these should be learned thoroughly and rigorously. An essentialist program normally teaches children progressively, from less complex skills to more complex. An Essentialist will usually teach some set subjects similar to Reading, Writing, Literature, Foreign Languages, History, Mathematics, Science, Art, and Music. The teachers role is to instill respect for authority, perseverance, duty, consideration, and practicality. Essentialism strives to teach students the accumulated knowledge of our civilization through core courses in the traditional academic disciplines. Essentialists aim to instill students with the essentials of academic knowledge, patriotism, and character development. This traditional approach is meant to train the mind, promote reasoning, and ensure a common culture. Essentialism tries to instill all students with the most essential or basic academic knowledge and skills and character development. Essentialists believe that teachers should try to embed traditional moral values and virtues such as respect for authority, perseverance, fidelity to duty, consideration for others, and practicality and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens. The foundation of essentialist curriculum is based on traditional disciplines such as math, natural science, history, foreign language, and literature. Essentialists frown upon vocational courses. In the essentialist system, students are required to master a set body of information and basic techniques for their grade level before they are promoted to the next higher grade. The content gradually moves towards more complex skills and detailed knowledge. Essentialists argue that classrooms should be teacher-oriented. The teacher should serve as an intellectual and moral role model for the students. The teachers or administrators decide what is most important for the students to learn with little regard to the student interests. The teachers also focus on achievement test scores as a means of evaluating progress. The essentialist classroom is centered on students being taught about the people, events, ideas, and institutions that have shaped American society. Essentialists hope that when students leave school, they will not only possess basic knowledge and skills, but they will also have disciplined, practical minds, capable of applying lessons learned in school in the real world. Essentialism is different from what Dewey would like to see in the schools. Students in this system would sit in rows and be taught in masses. The students would learn passively by sitting in their desks and listening to the teacher. An example of essentialism would be lecture based introduction classes taught at universities. Students sit and take notes in a classroom which holds over one h undred students. They take introductory level courses in order to introduce them to the content. After they have completed this course, they will take the next level course and apply what they have learned previously. English 101 and English 102 are a specific example of essentialism.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
D-day :: essays research papers fc
D-day One of the most important days during World War II was D-day, it became a ââ¬Å"dayâ⬠so important it changed a continent. Don't be mistaken by the word D-day it did not all happens in just one day but many days. D-day was just a code name for the day that Operation Overload started. D-day is very well known for the beginning of the end of the war in Europe and Hitler's rule over most of the ruined continent of Europe. Many say that if it were not for D-day Europe would have definitely fell to Hitler. à à à à à There are a few terms used when people talk about D-day. One of them is D-day, which is a military term used telling the unknown date in the future when an attack will be launched. It is most commonly used for the invasion of Normandy. à à à à à The second term not often herd but, still is used is H-hour. H-hour is the hour that D-day is supposed to start. H-hour for the three Normandy invasion sites were varied, because of weather, as much as eighty-five minutes. à à à à à The third term used is Overload. Which was the code name for the entire Allied plot to invade and free France and Western Europe. à à à à à The fourth term used when talking about D-day is Neptune. Neptune stood for the first phase of Operation Overload. Which was the planning of the Normandy assault, the movement of the armada across the English Channel, and the battle for the beaches. à à à à à The fifth term sometimes used when talking about D-day is The Atlantic Wall. The Atlantis Wall was the Germanââ¬â¢s first line of defense in the west, which was along the English Channel coast of France. The wall was only partly completed by June of 1944. It had many guns placed on it, beach obstacles, and mine fields. The part of the wall directly across from England and manned by Field Marshal Rammel's seventeenth and eighteenth armies containing thirty-seven divisions. à à à à à Another word people use when they talk about D-day is landing craft. There are six different types of landing craft used on D-day. The first type is LCVP, which stands for Landing Craft Vechile and Personal; it took thirty-two men ashore. The second type is LCA, which stands for Landing Craft Assault; it was and armored wooden craft, which delivered troops. The third type is LCI, which stands for Landing Craft Infantry; it carried one hundred fifty-eight small landing craft, which individually delivered two hundred troops.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Religion, Rituals, and Health
Chapter 4 Religion, Rituals, and Health Overview of Chapter Topics â⬠¢ Introduction: Religion, spirituality, and ritual â⬠¢ Religion in the U. S. â⬠¢ Religion and health behaviors ââ¬â Effect of religion on health-related behaviors ââ¬â Religion and health outcomes ââ¬â Religion and medical decisions â⬠¢ Rituals in relation to health practices â⬠¢ Case Study: Cystic fibrosis in a Hasidic Jewish patient Religion, Spirituality, and Ritual â⬠¢ There is considerable overlap between religion and spirituality. Religion: a belief in and respect for a supernatural power or powers, which is regarded as creator and governor of the universe, and a personal or institutionalized system grounded in such a belief or worship â⬠¢ Spirituality: the life force within each of us, and it refers to an individualââ¬â¢s attempt to find meaning and purpose in life Religion, Spirituality, and Ritual â⬠¢ Religion is more associated with behaviors that can be quant ified than the more inchoate term, spirituality. â⬠¢ Religion can be categorized by denomination, so there is more agreement about the meaning of the term, and it can be more easily quantified (i. . , place of worship) â⬠¢ Similar overlap exists between religion and ritual. ââ¬â Religion may include established rituals, but not all rituals are associated with a specific religion. ââ¬â Consequently, this chapter examines the relationship between ritual and health separately from the relationship between religion and health. Religion in the U. S. â⬠¢ In 1999, 95% of population in U. S. reported a belief in God or higher power. â⬠¢ In a 2005 study, 57% of those queried stated that religion is very important in their lives, while some 28% stated that it is fairly important. Since 1992, studies have found consistent rates of attendance at religious places of worship. â⬠¢ Religion and ethnicity may be loosely linked, but a personââ¬â¢s religious affiliation should not be assumed based on his/her ethnicity. Religion and Health Behaviors â⬠¢ Lifestyle is single most prominent influence over health today. â⬠¢ People with religious ties have been shown to follow healthier behavioral patterns than the nonreligious related to ââ¬â Wider networks of social support than does a strictly secular life ââ¬â Social networks are often key to coping with life stress so improved coping mechanisms ââ¬â Proscribed behaviors (i. . , no alcohol consumption or premarital sex) Religion and Health Behaviors â⬠¢ Dietary practices with possible effects on health ââ¬â Prohibition or restriction of consumption of animal products and beverages ââ¬â Fasting ââ¬â Prohibition or restriction of use of stimulants and depressants because of addictive properties â⬠¢ Some religions incorporate the use of stimulants or depressants into their ceremonies â⬠¢ Religious practice may correlate with positive health behaviors generally , as well as with reduced rates of depression and higher rates of marital stability Religion and Health Behaviors Religion thought to correlate to positive outcomes with respect to: ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â ââ¬â Hypertension Mortality/longevity Depression Suicide Promiscuous sexual behavior Drug and alcohol use Delinquency General feelings of well-being Hope/purpose/meaning in life Self-esteem Educational attainment Religion and Health Outcomes â⬠¢ Religion also can harm health ââ¬â Sometimes used to justify hatred, aggression, and prejudice ââ¬â Can be judgmental, alienating, exclusive ââ¬â Can cause feeling of religious guilt or feeling of failure to meet religious expectations ââ¬â May restrict health care services because belief that health is in Godââ¬â¢s handsReligion and Medical Decisions â⬠¢ Beginning of life decisions ââ¬â Abortion: Opposed or strictly limited by many religio ns (i. e. , health of the mother is at risk if pregnancy continued; child would be born with a disability that will cause suffering; rape; incest) ââ¬â Birth control usage: Varying methods approved or strongly opposed by certain religions; some religions permit hormonal methods but not the methods that block or destroy sperm Religion and Medical Decisions â⬠¢ End of life decisions ââ¬â Religious belief may influence decisions to accept/reject optional treatments to prolong life at the end i. . , respirators, organ transplants, feeding tubes Religion and Medical Decisions â⬠¢ End of life decisions â⬠¢ Organ donation: perspective is changingââ¬â some now view it an act of compassion; related to belief in resurrection â⬠¢ Euthanasia: the act or practice of ending life of someone who is suffering from a terminal illness or incurable condition by lethal injection or suspension of medical treatment ââ¬â Opposed when viewed as murder or suicide or that it wi ll damage karma (states that one must show respect for preservation of life) ââ¬â Some see as an act of compassion and concern for dignityReligion and Medical Decisions â⬠¢ End of life decisions â⬠¢ Use of advance directives for end of life care â⬠¢ Advanced directives are legal documents that enable a person to convey his or her decisions about care ahead of time â⬠¢ Include information about use of life-sustaining equipment, artificial hydration and nutrition (tube feeding), resuscitation, organ donation, comfort care â⬠¢ Concerns related to appointing one person as the decision maker in collectivists cultures, person undergoing needless suffering, and if you discuss it, it will happenRitual in Relation to Health Practices â⬠¢ Ritual: a set of actions that usually are very structured and have symbolic meaning or value â⬠¢ May be performed on certain occasions, at regular intervals, or at discretion of individuals or communities; held in private or p ublic â⬠¢ Tied to numerous activities and events i. e. , births, deaths, holidays, club meetings, etc. â⬠¢ Many rituals in health care settings i. . , being on time for appointments, how people are addressed, where patientââ¬â¢s sit Ritual in Relation to Health Practices â⬠¢ Objects as rituals (i. e. , amulets, bracelets, statues, crosses) â⬠¢ Importance of shrines in ritual activities (many are for health and healing) â⬠¢ Rituals involving animal sacrifice (done to build and maintain personal relationship with a spirit) â⬠¢ Birth rituals (i. e. food restrictions, silent birth, how placenta is discarded) â⬠¢ Death rituals (how and when the body is disposed of, prayer, dress, use of flowers) Summary â⬠¢ Religion and spirituality play a major role in peopleââ¬â¢s lives and in their health decisions and behaviors. â⬠¢ It has been shown to improve health, but also can contribute to health problems â⬠¢ Impacts medical decisions â⬠¢ Many r ituals are related to health and some are tied to specific religions .
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Marbury v. Madison Essays - 6th United States Congress, Free Essays
Marbury v. Madison Essays - 6th United States Congress, Free Essays Marbury v. Madison Constitutional Law Marbury v. Madison Marbury v. Madison, one of the first Supreme Court cases asserting the power of judicial review, is an effective argument for this power; however, it lacks direct textual basis for the decision. Marshall managed to get away with this deficiency because of the silence on many issues and the vague wording of the Constitution. During the early testing period when few precedents existed, there was much debate about fundamental issues concerning what was intended by the words of the Constitution and which part of government should have the final word in defining the meaning of these words. Marshall used the Marbury case to establish the Supreme Court's place as the final judge. Marshall identified three major questions that needed to be answered before the Court could rule on the Marbury v. Madison case. The first of these was, "Has the applicant a right to the commission he demands?" The Constitution allows that "the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, . . . " (Art. II, 2). The Judiciary Act of 1793 had given the President the right to appoint federal judges and justices of the peace; there is no dispute that such an appointment was within the scope of the president's powers. Debate arises because the Constitution is silent on the exact time at which the appointment is considered complete. The Supreme Court ruled that "when a commission has been signed by the president, the appointment is made; and that the commission is complete, when the seal of the United States has been affixed to it by the [secretary of state]." This ruling does not have direct constitutional support, but it is not an unreasonable decision. The second question which Marshall addressed was, "If [Marbury] has a right, and that right has been violated, do the laws of this country afford him a remedy?" The answer is logically yes although there are no specific words in the Constitution to support such an answer. Based on the type of government intended by the Constitution, the government is expected to protect individual liberty. As Marshall says, "[The government] will certainly cease to deserve [to be termed a government of laws, and not of men] if the laws furnish no remedy for the violation of a vested right." However, with this assertion Marshall established the power of the Supreme Court to review actions of the executive branch - a power that does not stem directly from the Constitution. The third and final question which Marshall addressed was whether Marbury "is entitled to the remedy for which he applies." Marshall further divides this question into two parts: the nature of the writ and the power of the Supreme Court. In examining the nature of the writ, Marshall solidifies further the Supreme Court authority over members of the executive branch. Marshall admits that "the officer to whom [the writ] is to be directed, must be one to whom, on legal principles, such writ may be directed . . . " and that the Supreme Court cannot "enquire how the executive, or executive officers, perform duties in which they have discretion." Yet Marshall insists that the Supreme Court can issue a mandamus "[where the head of a department] is directed by law to do a certain act affecting the absolute rights of individuals." This assertion does not have Constitutional basis. The Constitution does not expressly grant the Supreme Court power over either of the other branches of government. Finally Marshall gets to the question based on which he decides the case - the Supreme Court's jurisdiction over this case. For the first time in this case, Marshall uses direct constitutional basis to make his ruling. He argues that, "If it had been intended to leave it in the discretion of the legislature to apportion the judicial power between the supreme and inferior courts according to the will of that body, it would certainly have been useless to have proceeded further than to have defined the judicial power . . . The plain import of the words seems to be, that in one class of cases its jurisdiction is original and not appellate; in the other it is appellate, and not original." He bases this ruling on Art. III 2, which enumerates the cases in which the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. Marshall further maintains that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. In this contention as well Marshall has constitutional basis in Art. VI, which states, "This constitution, and
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Conflict Essay
Conflict Essay Conflict Essay Conflict Essay: Avoid The Conflict In it In every day life, we deal with conflict, if not with ourselves, then with others. Conflict does not have to mean that it is bad; it is simply stated that we have different viewpoints about certain things. A conflict essay is an essay about the conflict in a movie, book or our daily life. Conflict essays usually have five paragraphs, the introductory paragraph, the three body paragraphs and the closing paragraph. Here are tips on professional essay writing: Conflict Essay: Main Structure The introductory paragraph is used to hook the reader and tell the thesis. The thesis is what you are trying to prove by writing the essay, the main point of the entire essay. This paragraph is very important because if the reader is hooked he will read the essay until the end, but if people are not hooked they will not read your paper and you wrote it all for nothing. All three body paragraphs will begin with a topic sentence and at least three pieces of evidence that will support each sentence. The topic sentence represents the main idea of the essay and supports your thesis statement. The body paragraphs in a conflict essay are usually arranged from the least exciting topic sentence to the most exciting, so the reader has something to look forward to. In your closing paragraph, you must restate your thesis statement. However, not with the same words. You have to make sure that no matter what, but your conclusion do not word to word as the original thesis statement. Summarize the three main points, and leave the reader with some final thoughts. To write a successful conflict essay, choose an event that has happened in your life and left you with vivid memories. With each vivid memory, you can describe, not tell what was going on, who was involved, what the conflict was, what feelings were generated, and how it got resolved. An essay on conflict could be on any topic like war, or family conflict, neighbor conflicts, etc. Choose the type of conflict you are most interested in and give your thoughts freedom to develop this idea. Conflict Essay: Writing Help If you do not have time for making researches on your assignments, or you feel stuck in your essay writing, you are welcome to become our customer and we will provide you with a professional help overnight! It is so easy and convenient! Read more: School English Essay Persuasive Essay Topics Personal Essay Expository Essay Essay Topics Conflict Essay Conflict Essay In every day life we deal with conflict, if not with ourselves, then with others. Conflict doesn't have to mean that it's bad; it's simply states that we have different viewpoints about certain things. Conflict can come about in any situation, but most conflicts occur between couples, and even the people at your work.In relationships, conflicts will arise more than a person may want it to. A cold shoulder here, a silent treatment there, is just some of the things a person will receive during a fight. Confronting a person is difficult, especially for me because I have a difficulty with accepting fault. In a relationship, a person has to learn to give in. Avoiding one another can never help a situation. Couples must learn how to confront one another and determine their problem. Even though there's a problem most couples will say there isn't so they don't have to face the music.English: learnWhile talking with the partner, one shouldn't attack the other person with accusation and learn to listen to one another with open mind and open heart. The couple should also feel free to ask one another why the person felt the way they did and what brought up the situations. Once all is out in the open, the couple should resolve their problem and work out a compromise that would please both sides.A work area is also a place of conflict. One may not like a person's performance and the fact they have to cover them to finish the job. This would cause tension between the two workers because they'll be in each others faces if they don't resolve their problem. When faced with a problem like this, both parties have to listen, because they both may gain valuable insights...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Portfolio essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Portfolio - Essay Example I have learned more than just argumentative writing techniques. In my portfolio, I have included technical writing, expository writing and literary criticism, among other various forms. For instance, I have used expository writing in an article I wrote titled ââ¬Å"what happens in Saudi Arabia every hour?â⬠This can be exhibited by the way that I have given a back story or background information about Saudi Arabia in my introductory paragraph. I have attempted to explore in depth the contrast between the reality in Saudi Arabia and the perceived image that most people might have about Saudi Arabia. Many people round the world are misinformed and deem Saudi Arabia as a bad and an inhabitable place. In my essay, I have expounded in the good and the bad regarding the country. Additionally, I have expounded on the fact that deaths from road accidents in Saudi Arabia have been on the rise by providing statistics from previous years to support my thesis. I used research in this paper to incorporate outside information into my analysis that supports the topic I was dealing with. The assessment made from the research I carried out when writing the essay remains one of my favorite parts of the paper. I have carefully observed reports by Joffe Walts on how most of the accidents in Saudi Arabia mostly claimed the lives youth more than any other group. The statistics showed that road accidents were the number one cause of most death among Saudi Arabian adult males. The females are spared as the society forbids women from driving vehicles. Through the conclusion to the essay that I wrote, I am in a better position now to provoke the thoughts of readers through the use of rhetorical questions regarding statistics of the death toll from road accidents. The reader is compelled into thought when reading through the rhetorical questions employed. This article has made a deliberate attempt to showcases my skills in regard to summarizing, in depth analysis and alignment of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Combating Employee Turnover Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Combating Employee Turnover - Essay Example This has been explained in the form of a model in the diagram below: Figure 1: Employeeââ¬â¢s Turnover Model Source: (Allen, Bryant & Vardaman 2011) If an organization sees that employees are unhappy with the work environment and there are some factors that may start the cycle of Employeeââ¬â¢s Turnover Model, then the organization should try to remove them from the environment. They may develop strategies that will improve the work environment, improve employeeââ¬â¢s relationship with others in the organization and try to focus on individual characteristics of workers to make them happy. These strategies will ensure that the employee does not leave the organization. Another idea suggested by Allen et al. study is that the organization should conduct employeeââ¬â¢s surveys at regular intervals and should develop evidence-based strategies based on the problems identified in these surveys to make sure that employeeââ¬â¢s turnover is reduced and this can be an effective w ay to combat the problem of high turnover in the large corporations and organizations. (Allen, Bryant & Vardaman 2011) Another study done on 76 organizations concludes that employment benefits and effective retirement policies reduce the problem of employee turnover by almost 34%. The studyââ¬â¢s rationale was that employeeââ¬â¢s benefits and retirement programs are given to employees after their retirement. Since gratuity fund grows exponentially, so employees think that longer they will stay with the organization, the bigger gratuity or pension they will get. Hence, this motivates them not to quit the job. Therefore, organizations with effective employeeââ¬â¢s benefits and retirements plan tend to retain workers for longer periods than organizations that do not focus on these programs. Another important finding of the research was that it takes almost $3000 to replace a work in mid-management position. Hence, if these $3000/worker are used in creating effective retirement and pension plans, then an organization is likely to retain its workers for longer periods (Sutton 2001). In a model developed (Darmna 2000), it was found that replacing the employees that are leaving the organization is quite expensive. Hence, organizations could use half the costs that are spent on recruiting new staff to appease or solving the problems of the leaving staff. They can use the same money to increase their wages or to reduce the de-motivation factors from the organization. This would improve the problem of high employee turnover because factors that were perturbing the employees are being removed from the environment and hygienic factors such as increased pay are being given to them. Hence, there is no reason for them to leave the organization. (Darmna 2000) Participative management is another technique to reduce the problem of high turnover. Participative management believes in the autocratic leadership. It is an approach that calls for management by objective. Her e the responsibility is delegated to workers who are then free to decide how they will go about doing their work. This kind of approach has been highly successful in staff retention and large MNCs are making use of this approach. The illustrious lists of organizations that use this approach are Unilever, Proctor and Gamble, Reckitt-Beckniser and Siemens. It was found that these organizations retain employees twice longer than any other company. One reason for this high retention rate is responsibility management and participative
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