Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Case for Multicultural Education

The Case for Multicultural Education Venica Blythe Diversity and Achievement EDU507. 90 Prof. Joseph Paige The Case for Multicultural Education Who am I? I am a Female, I am Black, I am Jamaican, and I speak Patois (Jamaican dialect). All the things I just mentioned are just a fraction of who but these same things have been used on numerous occasions to form a stereotype against me. I am also a mother, wife, and an educator. None of the things that I have listed will by itself adequately tell you who I am, but as I stand before you today I want you to understand fully my purpose for being here.My name is Venica Blythe and I am here to promote multicultural education in all our schools curricula. Being an educator for well over a decade I have come to realization that there is a great need for Multicultural Education (ME) Banks (1994) recommended a multicultural curriculum that would teach minority ethnic groups how to free themselves from psychological captivity, stress social action , acquire humanistic dispositions toward all ethnic groups, realize power and ethnic identity without being chauvinistic and ethnocentric, and acquire the national identity and skills necessary to participate completely in the society.What is Multicultural Education? Multicultural Education (ME) can be defined as developing a curriculum that will incorporate all facets of the varied races and cultures that are found within any classroom. Such content will be taught through instruction designed for the cultures of the several different races in an educational system. Bennett (2011) estimates that â€Å"by the year 2020, children of color will exceed forty-five percent of the school-age population in the united Stated† (p. 16).It is because of such numbers why policy-makers and administrators can no longer pretend as if there is no need for educating both the students and the teachers. An ME will help to foster a reduction of fear and ignorance that exists in many races against people from diverse backgrounds. The Need for ME The case for a multicultural education is even greater as American schools continue to become more culturally diverse. The aim of a ME is to create equal educational opportunities for all students regardless of their race, ethnicity or culture.This can be achieved in such a way that it reflects diverse groups found in the society, schools and even in the classrooms (Banks, 1995, 1996; Gollnick & Chinn, 1998). Sleeter and Grant (2006), Bennett (1990), Banks (1994), assert that the inclusion of ME in the curriculum of schools creates an atmosphere where racial attitudes and academic achievement are improved. Decades ago, the concept of ME emerged out of the civil rights era in the U. S. But I am here to tell you today that presently, in the 21st century the U. S. s not alone in the struggles to build a case for a multicultural education. The European continent, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and even Japan are just a few of the countries that now have to consider the implementation of ME. The effects of immigration and even natural disasters have resulted in these countries attempting to cope with the diversity that now exists in their society. To better prepare our student for the 21st century ME is not only for the primary level, colleges and universities must also play a critical role.A survey done by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), on diversity requirements done in August 2000, involved responses from 543 colleges and universities. In this survey, 62% of the respondents reported either already having a diversity requirement or being the in process of creating one. 83% of those institutions with requirements offer â€Å"one or more courses addressing diversity in the U. S. †, and 65% offer â€Å"one or more courses addressing diversity outside the U. S. †.These numbers are evidence that the issue of ME is being promoted throughout higher education; our colle ge graduates MUST learn how to be effective and competitive in the 21st century by mastering the skills needed to work, live and build positive relationships with people from varying background. Conclusion Take Precious from the same titled 2009 movie, Precious (Daniels, Magness, & Siegel-Magness, 2009) was an overweight, African American, teenage mom struggling to finish high school because of her illiteracy.As I watched the movie I remember thinking that many aspects of it was too crude, but the sad reality is, there are many Precious at the school where I teach. These Precious’s are from Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Dominica Republic, and Haiti – just to name a few of the different cultures we work with. As I work with these students I found my self often times forcing them to adapt to the American way, especially since as I was making an effort to do the same.Today, I say to you go back to your schools, go back to your jobs or even your communities and make an effort to k now that student, know that person that you have been avoiding or the student that you seemingly find difficult to deal with and seek to understand what their â€Å"Sparks† are – what is it that student loves to do. Multicultural education can help to develop the sparks in all our students; it will help them to learn how to embrace the differences that lies within them and others.According to Gabelko and Michaelis (1981) and Lynch (1987), the reduction-of-prejudice dimension of ME is geared toward helping students acquire more democratic values, behaviors, and attitudes. According to the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP; 1996), ME should be considered in connection with the school’s curriculum, instructional practices, and staffing. In the end, education ought to equip students for the interdependency life of the 21st century (NASSP, 1996, p. 68). How do you plan to equip yourselves and your students for the 21st century? References: Ba nks, J. A. (1994).An Introduction to Multicultural Education. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Banks, J. A. (1995). Multicultural education: Historical, development, dimensions, and practice. In J. A. Banks and C. A. McGee-Banks (Eds. ), Handbook of research on multicultural education (pp. 3-24). New York: MacMillan. Bennett, C. (2011). Comprehensive Multicultural Education: Theory and Practice. (Seventh Edition) Boston: Pearson. Bennett, C. I. (1990). Comprehensive Multicultural Education: Theory and practice (2nd ed. ). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Daniels, L. , Magness, G. , & Siegel-Magness, Sarah (Producers), & Daniels, L. Director). (2009). Precious: Based on the novel Push by Sapphire [Motion picture]. United States: Lionsgate. Gabelko, N. H. , & Michaelis, J. U. (1981). Reducing adolescent prejudice: A handbook. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. Gollnick, D. M. and Chinn, P. C. (1998). Multicultural education in a pluralistic society (fifth edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Lynch, J. (1987). Prejudice reduction and the schools. New York, NY: Nichols. Sleeter, C. E. , & Grant, C. (2006). Making choices for multicultural education: Five approaches to race, class, and gender (5th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Internet and Young People Essay

The brains of young people growing up â€Å"hyperconnected† to the Internet might be wired differently from those of their elders, suggests a recent survey of technology experts, who were split on whether the newfangled wiring is desirable. Researchers from the Pew Research Center and Elon University recently conducted an opt-in, nonrandom, online survey of 1,021 technology stakeholders and critics. Participants were asked which of two predictions about teens and young adults seem more likely by 2020—a scenario in which they’re savvy and productive, or one in which they’re hampered by impatience and shallowness. HR professionals might, as a result, have to change the ways in which they manage these younger workers. Some 55 percent of survey participants agreed that the brains of multitasking young people will be wired differently from the brains of those older than 35, mostly for the better. They said young people won’t suffer notable cognitive shortcomings, and that â€Å"they are learning more and they are more adept at finding answers to deep questions,† in part because they’re good at going online and finding collective intelligence. Some 42 percent of survey participants expected brain-wiring changes with negative results, including a thirst for instant gratification. They expect young people will â€Å"not retain information; they spend most of their energy sharing short social messages, being entertained, and being distracted away from deep engagement with people and knowledge. They lack deep-thinking capabilities; they lack face-to-face social skills; [and] they depend in unhealthy ways on the Internet and mobile devices to function.† Even some who chose the positive prediction said it was more their hope than their best guess, â€Å"and a number of people said the true outcome will be a combination of both scenarios,† according to the Pew-Elon survey report, published Feb. 29, 2012. While they were not offered a third option, some participants disagreed with the notion that the wiring of young people’s brains will be different from previous generations’ wiring but thought Millennials’ thinking patterns probably will be. Game Change Teens and adults who grew up playing video games â€Å"will have lasting problems with focus and attention,† futurist author Marcel Bullinga commented in the survey. â€Å"They find distraction while working, distraction while driving [and] distraction while talking to the neighbors. Parents and teachers will have to invest major time and efforts into solving this issue,† he said, by helping young people learn to appreciate quiet contemplation without their mobile devices. â€Å"All in all, I think the negative side effects can be healed,† Bullinga added. Some of those surveyed noted that they themselves, as older adults, have become highly connected to technology, with positive and negative results. Respondents included educators who noted a diminishment of critical thinking skills and attention spans among students. David Ellis, communications studies director at Toronto’s York University, contends that multitasking hinders productivity, even for the very bright. Contrary to popular opinion, he doesn’t see Millennials as effective users of digital tools. â€Å"The idea that Millennials have a cognitive advantage over their elders is based on myths about multitasking, the skill sets of digital natives and 24/7 connectedness,† he commented in the survey. â€Å"Far from having an edge in learning, I see Millennials as increasingly trapped by the imperatives of online socializing and the opportunities offered by their smart phones to communicate from any place, any time.† HR experts already see refreshing and exasperating differences in Millennials in the workplace. â€Å"Millennials are an interesting group of employees† and â€Å"very different† from other generations, said Susan Heathfield, a Michigan-based management consultant and business owner who writes the human resources section for Attachment to technology â€Å"causes them to be on 24/7,† she told SHRM Online, adding that young workers wouldn’t imagine going on vacation without a phone and e-mail access. They’re likely to conduct most business on smart phones, she said. â€Å"It creates this mentality where work and what is not work is flowing together.† For example, she said, an employee might watch the NCAA basketball tournament on a computer at 11 a.m. and answer a colleague’s e-mail at 11 p.m. â€Å"Millennial employees are looking for change and challenge. Boring is bad. They want their tasks changing all the time,† Heathfield said. They want autonomy and reassurance. â€Å"It just blows my mind watching how this batch of employees was raised,† she said. â€Å"They want lots of praise, lots of feedback—every day. †¦ If you ignore their ideas, ‘What’s your problem? My ideas are great.’ † Their connectedness can lead to behavior that older colleagues consider rude, like texting during meetings. While Heathfield didn’t want to generalize, she noted that Millennials grew up working in teams and â€Å"they don’t think twice about whether the opinion they express hurts someone else’s feelings. †¦ A Millennial is more likely to say, ‘What a sucky idea,’ and they don’t mean it in an insulting way.† Everyone must adjust in order to become comfortable with generational differences, she said. â€Å"You appreciate these kids with their fresh ideas, their youthful thinking, their sort of ‘I can do anything’ approach to the workplace,† she said. â€Å"They’re like a breath of fresh air in many ways.†

Monday, July 29, 2019

Compare betwwen Virgin Atlantic and Ryanair Essay

Compare betwwen Virgin Atlantic and Ryanair - Essay Example Virgin Atlantic and Ryan Air have ensured that all its employees enjoy their psychological needs while working for their respective organizations. Both companies offer their employees food, water, and operate in an environment where there clean supply of air. This makes it easy for the survival of their employees and there is little or no difference. The little difference is the fact that Virgin cares more for the psychological needs of its employees compared to Ryan Air. They include needs for security and safety. Examples of security needs include desire for a steady employment, shelter from the employment, and health insurance. Virgin Atlantic and Ryan Air both offer insurance cover to all its employees to cover risks associated with their work. This is a good decision for both companies because it gives employee a peace of mind that they are protected from risks. However, Virgin Atlantic offers a steady employment for its workers compared to Ryan Air and thus can be supported by the fact that Virgin values its employees just like its customers. They include needs for belonging, love, and affection (). They stem from relationships such as friendships, romantic attachments, and family relationships. Employees get their social needs fulfilled when they get companionship and acceptance. Virgin Atlantic is considered as one of the best organizations one can work with because of there is greater fulfillment of social needs compared to Ryan Air. Virgin Atlantic has an organizational culture that promotes team work and this is a great source of companionship and acceptance. Esteem needs originate from the desire to get things that reflect personal worth and social recognition. Virgin Atlantic is a great brand in the airline industry and this gives its employees a lot of self esteem. This is based on the fact that they are being associated with success and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Pen pal letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pen pal letter - Essay Example I would actually tease him every evening to dance a little before he would hug me goodnight. The interest in dancing grew in me though with a lot of resistance from my mother who believed that my concentration in dancing at an early age would adversely affect my education. In fact, I once received a thorough beating from my mother when she learnt that I had sneaked from school and went for kids dancing festival without her knowledge. However, the interest grew in me in last year I decided to talk with my mother of my great interest in dancing and she consented to my interest in joining a music class for part time studies; I therefore enquired from the school and through their guidance; I successfully enrolled for this class last month. I have come to like dancing more, especially after watching the clip you sent me as well as other dancing clips provided for by the school. As it has been my interest, I am enjoying the training on different free styling dancing techniques (Chris and C antrell, 1-2). The class has been instrumental in helping me understand the different other types of street dances which I only used to see in music videos. The moves in the different dancing styles are quite fascinating and some are proving quite challenging to learn fast. I admire some of my friends in class who show high levels of flexibility and are easily copying into dance moves as shown from dance clips. My greatest challenge has been because of the little practice that I have been doing prior to enrolment for this class due to the discouragement from my mother. I actually had very little exposure to dancing despite my keen interest into the same because whenever found dancing by my mother at home, that would attract a punishment. This led to little exposure and I always had the dream of becoming a professional dancer. Nevertheless, I must tell you that the start has been fantastic and I am very eager to learn more in dancing. I have also had great support from my instructor despite my slow pace in learning that I have an outstanding capacity to perfect in dancing. A recent performance in a church forum actually made my mother very happy and she highly apologized for discouraging me from dancing earlier. I am therefore very existed about it and I must thank you for inspiring me into enrolling for this class. The class is in a very conducive environment and the instructors are highly trained in dancing. The class involves two aspects, which are the lecture class as well as the dancing studio class. The lecture class experience is fascinating especially in learning the evolution of various dancing styles. I have found it increasingly interesting to analyze the different dances that have been in the world and more so the backstreet dances. One would likely conclude that then modern day dances are the ultimate thing but I have discovered that more are to be discovered. The lectures have especially been interesting because of the humorous lecturers we have w ho would go miles in explaining and illustrating the dancing stiles being studied. With illustration clips, dancing becomes very real in class and one can never wait for the studio practices. We also hold dance reviews, discussions as well as dance demonstrations with the aid of our lectures in classroom set-ups. The studio practices are on the other hand very interesting as we practice what is learnt in lecture set-ups and this is how I learn

The Thrill of the Hunt; The Journey and the Destination Essay

The Thrill of the Hunt; The Journey and the Destination - Essay Example In an era when a person need only drive to the local grocery store, what makes men and women load guns and still head for the woods to track down an animal This ethnography study will try to answer the question, what is the point to hunting in modern Maine Is the real goal a trophy to hang on the wall Hunting is really about control and challenge in a world where basic human survival instincts are channeled into substitute activities like video games, racquet ball and treadmills. The need for men and women, to spend hours tracking a creature in the forest for meat they could easily buy, is not about killing an animal, but about self reliance and ingenuity. Hunting is a tie to the past and tradition. In 1622 the state of Maine was called, the Province of Maine and it was under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. The name probably echoes the French province of Maine brought by immigrating French settlers. It was not admitted to the Union until 1820 and then was officially the, state of Maine (Maine Down East, 1937 pg 3). Maine has a total area that extends the combination of New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island and Connecticut. The state possesses a variety of terrains from plateaus to mountains to coast line. The highest peak is on Mount Katahdin, Hamilin Peak at 4752 feet. Over 75 percent of the total area in Maine is forestland and water as Maine is filled with lakes and rivers. Game is abundant and v... It was necessary to observe a fox's behavior to trap him as they are creatures of habit and use the same pathways (Maine Down East, 1937 pg 415). Deer can be found close to open pasture, abandoned lumber camps and dirt roads. They favor raspberry bushes, which grow near cleared land. After the first frost deer seek out beech ridges then head for swamps and thickets about noon. The best hunting is right after a light snow when the animals are easily tracked. Those that savor a trophy buck should prepare to climb the high ridges and in dry weather a hunter should find a place to sit and wait as the crunchy twigs and leaves will warn any deer of a human presence. This is the reason for deer stands in trees when no ridges are available. Many hunters turn to moose and black bear because they are more challenging. Bear are very clever and also pose a risk to personal safety. Though bear move slow and have poor eye sight, they can run quickly to chase down their prey. Bear meat is quite a delicacy to many who savor the pork like taste. Rabbits are also hunted in Maine for sport and meat. Unlike varieties in other states Maine rabbits do not make holes in the ground and live on the surface. Dogs are used for rabbits and birds. The black duck and the mallard are the most popular, but there are over a dozen breeds in the northern portion of Maine and along the coast in the Machias region. Woodcock are plentiful in central and western Maine and best hunted after several frosts since unlike other ducks that eat from the marshes, woodcocks prefer blackberry tangles near birch and alder trees. Hunting in Maine can be done in a variety of fashions that include rifle, shotgun, bow, crossbow, handgun and even black powder

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Critically discuss how language differences between home and host Essay

Critically discuss how language differences between home and host country can influence MNCs entry mode strategy - Essay Example However, these language barriers can have different effects on different entry modes. The extent of MNCs exposure to language barrier will therefore depend on their entry mode. Moreover, there are various literature examining the effect of formal institutions and informal institutions (mainly language) on entry mode choice. Although the effect of language on entry mode choice is relatively understudied, there exist studies that examine the impact of language on some of the entry modes separately. The rising level of globalization has become of immense importance currently. More and more firms commence to look to foreign lands to increase their businesses as the globe becomes more and more interwoven. To manage such operations across foreign boundaries has become of the biggest issues for international firms today (Egger, 2012). The international economy has formulated a business framework which needs firms to look past the traditional reasoning of the home market, and commence instead observing at businesses from a foreign global view. The technique a firm venture from their market to new foreign markets geographically is of immense importance for how best the firm attains its goals with their various businesses. Small and average sized companies, which have taken their choice to internationalize, need to grow into foreign markets face the setback of deciding on the best structural framework. There are numerous factors, which encourage firms to commence their operations in foreign markets (Feely, 2003). The most common include the hope for economies of scale, the experience curve effects outcome from an expanded level of outputs, and the reality of the existence of markets which are beneficial in the international markets which is not present at home. It can be believed that the developing in dissemination of information, progress in travel conditions, decrease in tariff issues and others have

Friday, July 26, 2019

Discussion# 13 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion# 13 - Assignment Example Nurses get their information from a variety of sources. Research and evidence based practices offer a lot of information to the nurses. The incorporation of information technology and computer based searches has enhanced adequate information access, retrieval and its dissemination. This has led to the creation of EBN (Evidence Based Nursing). The incorporation of informatics has gone a long way in ensuring that EBN is achieved at each and every point when dealing with patients (Ball, 2000). This ensures that they have accessed the best healthcare practices that are affordable. Over the years, there are particularly many practices that have become overrated. This is because the same practices and procedures can now be conducted in simpler procedures at low costs. This has been discovered through nursing informatics. This shows that nursing informatics has contributed immensely to EBN and nursing research (Ball, 2000). Once the nursing informatics has been employed in an instance or situation, it is observed that the general process of research is enhanced. This makes nursing interventions more reliable, quality and affordable to all the people who are accessing the healthcare. The interventions in turn, make it possible for hospitals and healthcare centres to offer more to their patients. This does not threaten the quality of the services delivered. In conclusion, nursing informatics can be considered a distinctive technology that has revolutionized nursing practices all over the world. This is through improved healthcare and nursing practices (Ball, 2000). The accurate data acquired ensures that it is possible to research the best practices and introduce them as nursing intervention strategies in any health care facility. This has expanded the horizon for nursing as a profession. Ball, M. J., Hannah, K. J., Newbold, S. K., & Douglas, J. V. (2000). Health and nursing

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Nelson Mandela - An International Leader Coursework

Nelson Mandela - An International Leader - Coursework Example His involvement in the African National Congress (ANC) and the organization’s activities to end apartheid led to his imprisonment in 1964 when he received a life sentence. His dream was to end apartheid and after many obstacles including 27 years in prison his goal was finally achieved in 1994 when he became the first democratically elected black president of South Africa. Nelson Mandela Dream and the Fight to End Apartheid Nelson Mandela’s dream was a united South Africa where everyone had the same rights. This dream started with his membership and in the ANC where he was soon elected to the executive committee of the Youth League. His struggle to end apartheid landed him in prison where he won the respect of fellow inmates. While there he continued to work towards his dream. In fact, he indicated that the struggle was his life (Mandela 1994). He was not about to give up but had to change his approach (tactics) to achieve his goal. In prison it was never easy but his o ptimism kept him going (Henderson 1996). From his seven by seven foot prison cell he communicated with and influenced his fellow prisoners. His skills at negotiating were obvious. In fact, in an article published in The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education in the summer of 1999, Mandela was described as very charismatic with great negotiation skills. His dream started to show signs of realization when he started to receive offers for release.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Is toleration necessary for citizenship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Is toleration necessary for citizenship - Essay Example Problems of toleration are generated by dislikes towards important differences manifesting in other individuals or groups, with subsequent interference in their activities. Hence toleration is defined as the â€Å"suspension of the power of interference towards disliked or disapproved differences† so long as no harm is caused to anyone by the existence of these differences (Galeotti, 1993: 587). The purpose of this paper is to examine the importance of toleration for citizenship. It will be determined whether political tolerance exercised by the government has an influence on the practise of toleration by citizens in society. The importance of the cultivation of friendship between diverse people for beneficial impact on toleration among citizens, and toleration towards sexual minorities and their inclusion will be discussed. The argument detailing how toleration and citizenship cannot be completely free from exclusion, the paradoxes in toleration and the contradictions in citizenship will serve to give a different perspective to the debate. In a planned or deliberate democracy, there is more expected from citizens than the mere silent toleration of attitudes and reasons that they dislike; especially if it is acknowledged that an important goal of democratic functioning is to find optimal and mutually agreeable solutions to problems and conflicts. Since citizens have to critically engage with each other, toleration pertaining to non-interference would not help for confrontational yet cooperative discussion. Further, when toleration is exercised by a majority, it may even be undemocratic. A deliberative theory of tolerance underscores how deliberation across differences can be both tolerant and democratic. â€Å"In a democracy, tolerance is exercised in resolving conflicts, and in making disagreements fruitful†(Bohman, 2003: 758, 762). Further, it is found that a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Stereotyping Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Stereotyping - Essay Example Huntington's theory, in other words, remains true because it is primarily supported by the countless stereotypes which are embedded in the human consciousness and which people tend to use to define the world around them. Stereotypes are dangerous both because they function to impose false images on racial, ethnic, gender, cultural, social and religious groups and because those false images often motivate the imposition of harm on others. Perry R. Hinton(1993), a social psychologist who has researched and studied the phenomenon of stereotyping, confirms the harmfulness of stereotypes. As he writes in The psychology of interpersonal perception, "stereotyping can be seen as a more extreme form of typing where we see a whole group of people as homogeneous, with the same characteristics" (Hinton, 1993:56). The implication ere is that stereotyping involves the identification of certain characteristics in members of a specific group of people and then applying those characteristics to the whole. For example, because just over a dozen of the 1.6 billion Muslims across the world undertook a terrorist act against the United States, all Muslims are subsequently stereotyped as anti-Western terrorists whose prim ary objective is the destruction of the West. Stereotypes, in other words, are generalizations which tend to ignore all available evidence to the contrary. Stereotypes and stereotyping are persistent despite the fact that many recognize both their falsity and harmfulness. Their persistency, in light of their harmfulness, has rendered the study of stereotypes and stereotyping, important activities. Following a definition of the concept and phenomenon of stereotypes and an overview of its theoretical parameters, the research shall present the results of a survey which was conducted on a test group of twenty of the researcher's colleagues, as a means of determining whether theory and reality coincide and, more importantly, as a strategy for acquiring a more concrete understanding of the practical and theoretical parameters of the phenomenon. The primary focus of the research shall be on gender stereotyping, considering its prevalence in the Middle East. 2 An Overview of the Concept of Stereotyping/Stereotypes This section of the research shall review literature on the definition and theory of stereotypes/stereotyping for the purpose of articulating both a comprehensive definition of the phenomenon and explicating its theoretical framework. 2.1 Definition The first to seek the academic and scientific understanding of the phenomenon of stereotyping and, indeed the first to both theorize and define the concept was Walter Lippmann (1991). In 1922, Lippmann commenced his lifelong study of the phenomenon and introduced the following definition of stereotypes: For the most part we do not first see, and then define,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Beer Industry Case Study Essay Example for Free

Beer Industry Case Study Essay Beer industry is one of the oldest industries particular in EU as it is one of the biggest beer consumption markets. This industry has seen fluctuation of the demand and consumption of the beer over the last quarter of 20th century due to many factors. This analysis will look in to those factors by taking into account the case given and will analyze the general reasons, growth and effects of the industry keeping in mind the macro-environment and its main component such as political, legal, environmental, economical, technological, social- cultural, and international aspects. Furthermore industry analysis will be discussed in details by analyzing the critical factors such as the threats of new entrants, suppliers and buyers power on the industry, product substitutions, and alliance and merging of the companies. The details of micro-environment and industry analysis will be available in the appendices. In addition, current strategy, links between the micro-environment and industry analysis, will be discussed along with brief recommendations. The fore European brewing company will be analyzed in terms of strength and weakness. Current strategy The beer industry has been in the existence for as long as the barley have been harvested and used for the making of the beer. The drink is mixed with alcohol in order to give it tantalizing taste with addictive quality. The beer is used as an everyday drink by many around the world and it by creating a taste and demand in the market. It probably will not be controversial, if argued that it is in the top 5 most drinkable beverage in the world. The demand of the beer has increased significantly in the last half of the century and some cultural such as German has included it, as part of their culture and celebrates beer drinking festivals annually. The industry has been facing some threats in the market due to increased number of brewery companies, who over supplies cheap beer in the market, which could possibly kill the industry. Some other new and non-traditional threats such as increased health risks, potential abuse of the beer, new legal challenges, globalization and environmental has put a question mark on the future of the industry. These threats are real and the industry needs to address them effectively and efficiently in order to survive in the future. Some of the threats are addressed by adopting new strategies, such as being environmentally friendly production line, innovation, GM foods, and many more in order to be in the market and create consumer for the future. Summary of macro environment analysis Economic One of the biggest current threats almost on every business is the current financial crisis and the beer industry is not immune to it at all. The global crises have forced many workers out of their jobs, increased unemployment, which means less finance to purchase basics for a everyday life. Many had to cut unnecessary activities such as going to the local pub for a drink after work on regular basis or purchasing beer off the self from super markets. The uncertain financial times have dropped the consumer confidence and most of the people are afraid of spending any money on unnecessary activates. There is very strong evidence that consumers are saving money during these crunch times. Europe has been one of the hardest hit by the financial crisis, and some of the countries such as Island were almost to the brink of the bankruptcy. This uncertainty will have huge impact on the industry in short term and will affect the profitability. The usual willing buyers might cut down to consumption of the beer significantly or even chose to switch to a cheaper brand in the market, in order to fulfill their alcohol appetite. In terms of macro-environment, it simply means the buyers becomes price sensitive. The fuel price and beer have direct relationship, since the early stages of this crisis, the fuel prices had dropped significantly which means less overheads cost for the company in terms of logistics and supplies, however this drop in fuel prices may drop the beer price but it will not be enough to create a demand and increase sales for the beer in the market due to the financial crisis. Financial crisis would mean the availability of credit will be almost none existence for the company to borrow and carry their daily operations across the borders. Not only the credit will be a major issue, but the unavailability of the funds means, less money to compete in the market and high chances of being takeover, merged, and acquisitions with other major companies. Irrespective of the size of the company, the threats will remain hanging around their heads for as long as the markets picks up. The different taxation law around the European countries remains another challenge for the industry as despite being as a collective states and regulating a common taxation law around the Europe. The gradually increasing labor cost remains as a constant threat for the industry, regardless of the any other factor, it will be a long term threat to be dealt with on a regular basis. Political/Legal The expansions of EU will certainly be positive point towards the industry as it will increase the business boundaries and will create an open market. It also mean, increased customers to be targeted for the beer industry and at the same time it will increase competition among the existing breweries and the invader breweries. The competition will bring down the price for the customer and decrease the profitability for the business. The over consumption of alcohol due to many reason has forced the politician and law makers to make much more stricter legislation and rules with the use of alcohol in particular with drink driving. Forcing a very limited pubs and bars opening hours will reduce the consumption of the beer by a large margin. It is defiantly a negative effect on the business and high chance of getting harder in the near future. The well known negative effects of alcohol on the public health means that it would cost more to the government’s health sector annual budgets. The government will try to decrees the consumption of alcohol as much as possible as alcohol related health cost are rising on the government. It is a negative effect on the industry as customers are discouraged to drink alcohol as it carries health risks. Other factors may also include to limitation on the issued licenses for the breweries to make beer, which means less breweries. Over all the political side of the macro-environment remains negative for the industry in short and long terms as anti-alcohol sentiments are echoed in the legal and political section of the EU. Technological The advancement of the technology has affected the way businesses are operated and products are produced. The use of robot in the brewery for the propose of production line, assembly line and in particular packaging of the product has been used significantly and reduced the reliability of the labour and their costs and overheads. The on time tracking of the barley to the brewery and finished product to the stores are made much easy as GPS are used to track the movement of the product and on time deliveries are made possible. On the other hand it may in occur as a one-off purchase cost to the company, but the long term use and benefits outweigh the costs. The advancement in technology will be able to make mini home brewery, so the customers could have their own personal brewery at home. It will be a negative effect on the industry, as customer will make their own beer at home, however the home brewery will not be able to compete with the taste produced by the master brewer for the major brands. Environmental The climate change will affect the industry as unpredicted weather patterns are expected, which will affect the crops produced for the brewery. In this case the imports of barley from other countries cannot be ruled out, but the importation will carry transportation costs with it and it will certainly be passed on the customers at end of the supply chain. The climate change has affected Europe in many ways, as some parts are getting too cold for the barley to be grown and some parts are totally opposite to it. Climate change has affected the supply of water for the farmers, as less water simply means less crop for the industry. The industry does not have any alternative to use for the beer making as barley remains the one and only key ingredients. Water is not only required for the crops to grow but also for the making of the beer in the brewery, a good quality water will be hard to find in the future. The Genetically Modified (GM) crops could possibly be an option, which requires less water to grow and gives a batter taste to the beer. However the GM is still in the experimental stages and there are question in terms of reliability and health benefits with the GM. Social-cultural The social and cultural effects on the beer industry will be mix as demographically arguing that European populations are getting old but at the same time they are replaced by ever binge drinking younger population, however the replacement are not sufficient enough. The female buying power have increased as more and more European female are working and socializing outside and have the money to spend. The new fruity flavored beer are specifically designed for the female and it has been very successful to capture the feminine side of the industry. It is positive sign for the future of the industry. The increased EU population has been effected by a very reasonable number of Islamic community, who does not consumer beer due to religious reasons. It will carry negative effect on the industry unless non-alcoholic beers are produced to target this section of the industry. The excessive consumption of beer has not been approved by the society as a whole due to the valid reasons such as increased obesity, alcohol related violence and health related issues and underage drinking. It will be a negative effect on the industry and will be carried away in the future. International The international side of the beer market seems to be very interesting in regards to the political shifts of power from West to Asian region. In the near future the growing Asian market will play heavily on the industry as more and more beers are brewed and consumed in Asian region. European companies will have to make strategic moves towards the Asian market and possibly will be required to make alliances in order to survive. The shift will not affect the European market and it possible means decrees in the beer cost as beer produced in Asian will come to the European market for the customers. Globalization has promoted the free trade, which has opened new market and dropped the tariffs but it may result as negative to the European breweries as the cheap Asian beer will pour in the market. The cross border business might have some barriers as the taxation and tariff law differs from one state to another. Summary of industry environment Threats of new entrants The threats of a new entrants remains reasonably low as it is subjected to the scale of operation for the new entrants. Business within the local or regional area will require very little set up capital, however on an a broad scale of import and export across to the EU will require much bigger capital, logistics and distribution channels. The new entrants will face the brand loyalty and product differentiation as the existing customers already have mature tastes for their brands available in the market. Certainly the threats remain high for the current players, however the survival in this tight industry might be very hard as existing brands have very strong marketing knowledge and established customers. Bargaining power of supplies In this industry the barley suppliers does not have much of bargaining power as the alternative use of the crops are very limited and the suppliers does not have much of a choice. The number of suppliers out weights the buyers and there are huge number of buyers but the major beer companies purchase barley in huge volumes and has the upper hand. The bargaining power may increase in case of a natural disaster, which could destroy the crop of an entire regain and decreases the quantity demanded for the beer market, but the chances of it happening is very less. The suppliers might have an alternative option of forward integration as to enter in the brewery industry, however the life within the industry may be short lived due to monopolistic nature of the industry by the brewers. The demand for a skilled master brewer remains very high and the skill supplier has the upper hand in this case. Bargaining power of buyers According to the analysis in the appendix 2, the buyer seems to be in a much stronger position then the suppliers. Due to the very nature of the critical product barley, which can not be stored and needs to be sold to the buyers as soon as its harvested. The buyers uses the volume perches power to negotiate with the suppliers and gets a better price. The number of suppliers are increasing within the European market and in some case the raw product could possibly be imported from Asian and South American destination with much cheaper price. Over all the buyers have the power to control the industry and manipulate in many ways. Substitutes The substitutes available in the market are one of the real threat to this industry as the negative effects of the alcohol are coming forward, which are backed by strong scientific evidence. The number of substitutes such as Water, milk, soft drinks, wine, tea, coffee, energy drinks, and traditional cultural drinks are and most of them almost posses no health threats of any kind. In fact the substitutes are well accepted socially, legally, economically and does not have any age restriction of any kind when consumed. Industry rivalry The issue of rivalry depends on the sector of market controlled by the companies. In general Europe has a very high number of companies operating within the EU. Europe has one of the highest consumption of beer then US and Asian market, so competitors has very good reasons to be in EU market. Some of the companies are merging in order to create an oligopoly or even a pure-monopolistic markets to drive out others from the industry. Generally the rivalry remains very high at all times, with the other companies in the industries. Interconnections between two analyses The beer industry is one of the oldest industry and growing over times. It has seen some fluctuations over the last half of the 20th century, but it has not deterred it any way. The macro-environment’s components faces constant changes as factors such as environmental, economical, political, and technological are interrelated to one and other. These factors are beyond the control of the industry and the industry does not have any other choice to adapt the micro-environmental changes in order to survive. The effects of the micro-environment carries on the industry and many ways such as environmental changes will increase or decrease the power of suppliers and buyers. The ever changing weather pattern does not guarantee crops for the next year and breweries remains uncertain at all time. The globalization remains another unavoidable factor affecting the macro-environment and the industry as whole. Recommendations what will it take in 2015 to be an industry leader and who may that be? Recommendation and 2015 directions * The future of the industry remains clear as long as the industry remains flexible to change. * The environmentally friendly approaches needs to be taken on for the production and packaging. * Globalization is a fact and EU beer industry needs to make changes, accept players coming from USA and Asian markets. The same could be expected to USA and Asian markets. * In order to gain maximum market shares, merger with other companies should be encouraged as it will decrease the operational cost, exchange of expertise in particular master brewer. It will make them a strong player in the industry. * More investment are required in area of new flavor. * GM barley needs to experimented as it could possibly provide benefits both ways. * Non-alcoholic beer should be produced to target the growing Islamic community in EU and in the Middle East. * Geographic expansion needs to be considered out of EU. * In order to reduce the harsher law against the use of excessive alcohol, industry needs to educate their customer and advice them of moderate drinking habits. * With the assistance of the transportation department, Community based programs should be designed to educate the new drivers, of the dangers of the drink driving. The strength and weakness of the fore brewing companies As appendix 3 provides detail list of the weakness and strength of the fore brewing industry as 1. Heiniken ( The Netherlands) Strengths One of the biggest brewery in Europe as with the sales of more than 8bn pound in 2006, it’s a global company expending in to Asian markets and US by 5% and 17 percents. Weakness The weakness of the Heiniken would be as it has given more attention to the EU and ignored the ever growing Asian market. It may be enjoying the current EU market but the future holds with the Asian and Sub-continents. The future will be bright if the company considers moves in to other markets and makes alliances with intended region. 2. Grolsch (The Netherland) Strengths It is one of the oldest brewery with experience of all time. It has moved out of its European bases in to the US market and has successfully make alliance. It is one of the most innovative brewery and has a specialized experimental brewery. More then 50% of the products are exported out of Europe. Weaknesses The only weakness of the Grolsh would that it uses only one brewery to produce all it productions. The distance between the only brewery and some of the markets are enormous, which occurs in to huge logistics and transportation cost. The future looks very good as it does not rely on one market and the some of the new experimental beer could become market leading brands. 3. InBev (Belgium/Brazil) Strengths The largest brewery in the world as it is merger of the two companies. It is the largest market power to manipulate the price. It has gained big sector in to the Asian markets and are very innovative and environmentally conscious. Weakness Their does not seems to any weakness except the ignoring of the US market. The future seems to be very bright as it has the capacity and resources to grow and lead the market. 4. Scottish and Newcastle (UK) Strengths It is the 4th largest in Europe and 4 major established brand in the Europe. It looks in to the future and has tried to shares into the other bewaring companies. Weakness The company is not a big one and has tried to stretch it self into other breweries. The over reliance on the 4 brands has stopped them of innovation with new brands of beer. The future in European market seems to be well underway successfully but the entrance in the Asian market might be very risky as some of the major companies are well established in that market. APPENDICES Appendix 1 Macro-environment analysis Factor | Issues | Effects on Industry | Rulings | Economic | * The economic downturn * Increased unemployment * Uncertain financial times * Job insecurity of the customers * Global recession * Expansion of Euro * Tariffs and taxes * The increasing oil price * Labour cost | Controversial, as it may or may not increase the demand for beer. Could mean less money to spend on of going out for drinks at pubs and bars. People tend to save money as times are uncertainIt could possibly bring a very positive effect on the brewery business as the expansion will increased market boundaries with more customers to target. The expansion might be good on one hand, but on the other it will increase the Tariffs on the product as it has to go through many state borders. The taxation law varies from on EU country to the others, it will affect the profitability in short and long terms. The inevitable increasing oil price will need to be passed on the customer eventually. The labour market will demand an increase in their pay in the future, which will have to be included in the beer price. | +/-__++/-+/-__Final rulingsNeutral | Political/Legal| * Expansion of EU * Greater concern from politicians about effects of alcohol * Stronger legislation around drink-driving * Legislation on the pollutions * Marketing campaigns around effects of binge-drinking * Competition policy Licensing controls| It will increase the customer approaches as the boundaries will be diminished, creating open borders will encourage competition among the business within EU. The negative affects of alcohol will make the politician to take drastic action as to limit the use alcohol to reduce certain effects of it. The well known effects of alcohol, will put pressure on the customers to decrease the amount of consumption at pubs. Tighter legislation on the pollutions will put pressure to be environmentally clean industry. Health sector and public outcry will force the government to make stricter law for the use of beer. It may not be as an issue as the EU is very flexible with the licensing. | +____+Final rulingNegative | Technological| * Efficient production systems * GPS for tracking transportation Logistics and supply chain management * Product enhancements Bottling and packaging alternatives * Mini home Brewing | With use of robot in the production and assembly line will become efficient and effective also decreases the overheads Will monitor and make sure the product gets on time with the efficient routs to the customs and suppliers. It may incur some cost to the industry. The packaging and bottling cost will decrees with the use of alternative packaging such as plastics and papers. The compact mini home brewery will have minimal effect on the market as some of the customer will produce their own beer at home. | +++ +Final Ruling Positive | Environmental | * Climate change Variable * Seasonality of weather * Natural disasters * GM products * Pollution * Water scarcity * Energy costs| The increased outcry will affect the industry as the climate change will affect the production of crop by the farmers. The unpredictable weather with variation in rain pattern will put doubts the crops. The changing climate has made the nature unpredictable as Europe is getting colder every year and barley cannot be grown in a cold environment. The GM product will be beneficial to the industry as it will assist to produce the specific kind of crop, resistant to the pesticide and herbicides with maximum yield. As a result of the production, the industry will produce different kinds of wastes or pollutions. Beer brewing requires good quality water and it good quality water will be scares in the future. The energy cost will increase most of the source of energies are extracted from scares natural resources. | ___+_ _ _Final RulingNegative | Socio-Culture| * Ageing population * Feminine buying power * Increased multiculturalism * Peer pressure * Stress-relieving * Binge drinking * concerns about obesity * Alcohol related health issues * Under-age drinking| The EU population is getting old, it will not make much of difference on the industry as the younger binge drinker will replace them. Female are coming in the market with money to spend and adopting the beer tastes. EU’s population has increased significantly by multicultural, Islamic community, who does not drink beer. With the youth, the peer pressure makes them to act alike and promotes binge drinking culture. The current economic down turn has resulted into job losses, which has resulted into high level of stress. excessive beer is used as stress-relieving. Obesity is not accepted socially and considered to be unhealthy. Beer may be blamed to be one of the causes and it would affect the industry in future. The modern research has found strong reasons on the side effects of the alcohol and continued to do so. It will affect the business in long term. One of the unacceptable issues will be the underage drinking; however it may not be an issue when supervised. | ++ _++__+/-Final ruling Positive | International| * Shift in geo-political power to Asia * Increased awareness and global consumption of alcohol * Alternative religious aspects on alcohol * Falling tariffs * Global alliances * Globalization| Increased political power means increased income, which means more demand for the beer in the Asian market. New findings and Research increase the global awareness, most of them awareness appears to be advising to decrease the consumption of the beer. The increasing religious influences globally means less beer consumption as most of the religions discourages the use of alcohols such as Islamic religion with more than followers. The globalization has promoted the free trade among the states, which results in falling tariffs. The global alliances of the companies will help to increase their power in the market and act like a monopolistic. The globalization opens new markets and drops the tariffs, but it may result badly for the EU as the cheap Asian beer might pour in the market. | +__+++Final ruling Positive | Appendix 2 Details of Industry Analysis Factor| Issue Analysis| Rating of the Threat| Threat of New Entrants | Market Type:Monopolistic, with many number of brewer, Entry conditions: Relatively easy, with limited resource required on small level production. Product Differentiation: It is one of the key factors in this industry, the new comer will be required to create different and an acceptable taste for the customers, who already has matured tastes and brand loyalty with available brands in the market. Switching Cost: The switching cost for the buyers is very low as the product price is very low and trying another brand does not cost as much. Brand Loyalty: Most of the customer have a very strong brand loyalty and it will be very had to break that cycle in the market. EU well known brand such as Heineken, Inbev, Baltika, and Coopers. Logistics requirements:The new comer will have to establish a chain of logistics and supply from suppliers and to the brewery to the customers. Capital requirement:a very low capital is needed to enter in the market at a local level, however as on the international level the capital requirements will be medium to high. Globalization:Due to the globalization and open market, non EU players with cheap labor cost could enter in the EU and penetrate the market with cheap brands. Islamic countries:The market will not be allowed to enter in some of the Islamic countries as the consumption of alcohol is prohibited. | LowHigh LowHighLowMedium Medium Medium Low | Bargaining Power of Supplier| Master Brewer: The human capital of master brewer has the power of switching the company and move to another one of even changing jobs. Barley suppliers: The barley suppliers does not have much of choice to sell the crop to the brewery as the alternative use of the barley are very limited. Presents of substitute input:There is no other substitute for barley to be used in the making of the beer, so the supplier could have power in this regards. Due to a very high number of suppliers in the market, this power eliminates itself. Threats of forward integration:The supplier could possibly enter in the market as the entrances are too easy. In this case the suppliers will have huge impact on the industry. Switching cost of supplier: The numbers of suppliers are enormous as the buyers could easily switch suppliers in the market. It gives less power to the suppliers. | High Medium Medium Low Low | Bargaining Power of Buyers| Presents of substitute: A buyer does have power in the market as the product will needs to be purchased within a short time as use of barley in other products are very limited and it cannot be stored for a long time. Impotents of volume to buyers:The high volume of purchase decreases the power of supplier and increases the power of buyers. Buyers concentration: There are less buyers compared to the number of suppliers in the market for the use of barley, which means more power for the buyers to bargain with the suppliers. | High Low Low | Power of Substitutes | Strong substitutes : There are a very large number of substitute available in the market for the end user, such as Water, milk, soft drinks, wine, tea, coffee, energy drinks, and traditional cultural drinks. Most of the entire alternative has less or no side effects at all in the human body, which makes them all time favorite and increased in their demand for the future. | High | Appendix 3 Four Brewing Companies in EU Company| Strength| Weakness| Future outlook| Heiniken( The Netherlands)| * Biggest brewery in EU * 2006 sales 8bn pound * 5 % sales in Asia * 17% in US * Family business * Uses local business to sell their products | * More attention into EU and forget the ever growing Asian market * Very tight controlled due to family business in nature| Positive in EU, but negative in the Asian and US market. Over all in a good health. | Grolsch (The Netherland)| * One of the oldest * Medium size * Has alliances with US * Innovative with products * Licensed to export 50% of their products overseas * Has specialized brewery for experiment | * Centralizes brewery, uses only one brewery for the production| Looks good compared to its size and exports 50%. The innovation and experimental beer might capture market in the future. | InBev (Belgium/Brazil)| * Merger of two companies * The largest brewery in the world * Market power * Second largest in Chinese market * Looks for innovations * Environmentally conscious | | Very good and bright future due to the innovations, size, market power, environmentally awareness. | Scottish and Newcastle (UK)| * 4th largest in EU * 4 major established brands * Has global approach by purchasing shares in other brewing company. | * Over stretched company due to its size. * Lack of innovation with new tastes. | The future seems to be in doubt as company is entering to Asian market where the biggest brewery are well established brands. | REFERNCES Hubbard, G Rice, J Beamish, P 2008, Strategic Management: Thinking, Analysis, Action, 3rd edn. , Pearson Prentice Hall, French Forest, NSW, Austra

Operational difference Essay Example for Free

Operational difference Essay Both McDonalds Corporations and Burger King Corporation operate in the highly competitive and growing fast food industry. In a fierce battle to capture market share both companies operate in an environment of tight controls and clearly defined operations strategies. While McDonalds has opted to offer a standardized product to its customers, Burger King has attempted to capture market share by offering its customers the flexibility to customize. The advertising slogans, Have It Your Way by Burger King vs We Do It All For You by McDonalds explains the difference in production methods. Therefore, the operational strategy has direct implications on the process flow, the output, the human resource management and the bottom line of each company. McDonalds uses a batch process to cook hamburgers (Exhibit A). Using a batch process means that the speed of delivery is dependent upon the speed and experience of the individual worker. Hamburgers are cooked on a large platen, in batches of up to twelve. Two or more batches may be on the platen at one time, in various stages of cooking. This means that a worker is required to manage the grill exclusively during rush hours. The hamburgers are hand-seared after 20 seconds on the grill, turned at 60 seconds, and pulled at 100 seconds. While the hamburgers are cooking, buns are toasted (55 seconds) the crown of the bun is dressed and condiments are added. When the hamburgers come off the grill, workers complete the hamburger as per the pre-defined guidelines, wrap and shelve them in the bin. If there are two batches going in different stages of cooking, speed is essential to keep the production moving For years, McDonald’s and Burger King (BK) have been the world’s two largest and most successful fast food chains. Both have battled out all these years over their operational differences which form the core of their corporate culture. The â€Å"Doing It All For You† (McDonald’s) vs. â€Å"Having It Your Way† (BK’s) stems from their respective production methods. McDonald’s â€Å"Made to Stock† vs. BK’s â€Å"Made to Order† also originate from the differences in their respective processes. Exhibits 1 and 2 show the Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs) of McDonald’s and BK respectively. Exhibit 3 provides a detailed comparative analysis of the PFDs of these two fast food chains. The main operational difference between McDonald’s and BK is that McDonald’s cooks their hamburgers on grills using a â€Å"batch process† (a batch of upto 12 patties/grill) with human intervention to turn, sear, and pull. BK uses the machine based – Continuous Chain Broiler assembly process (8 burgers/meat chain) for the production of their burgers – similar to an assembly line in a manufacturing process thus, requiring no human intervention. For a â€Å"made to stock† process, it requires burgers in bulk and hence the batch process in McDonald’s. Whereas, for a â€Å"made to order† process, it requires an assembly chain process where meat patties are placed at one end and after 80 seconds they come out the other end, cooked – one by one. Also, since BK harps on â€Å"make to order† process, it requires a semi-finished inventory – Steam Table in which mated buns and patties sit for 10 minutes and then discarded. In McDonald’s â€Å"continuous process† there is no such inventory and all the buns and patties are mated during the assembly process following the dressing. It should be noted that mating of the buns and patties before the assembly process in BK is a result of BK’s variety of menu. Whoppers and Burgers both are of different sizes and hence the mating before assembly process. McDonald’s menu† less product more often†.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Evaluation

Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Evaluation Application of community based participatory research (CBPR) approaches when working on collaborative projects Course name: Social and behavioral sciences INTRODUCTION TO CBPR: CBPR (community-based participatory research) is basically a collective approach to examine that equitably includes all members in the examination process and identifies the un-common powers that each one brings. Community-based participatory research starts with an examination topic of significance to the group, has the objective of uniting knowledge with activity and attaining social change to better the health results and remove health inequalities. Community-based participatory research is a registered collective approach that authorizes community inhabitants to more energetically take part in the full range of research (starting from conception, plan, conduct, examination, interpretation, termination, communication of results) with an aim of affecting rearrangement in programs or policies, community health and systems. Community fellows and researchers partner to unite comprehension and activity for social rearrangement to better community health and more often reduce health inequalities. Research/Academic and community members join to produce models and resembles to building capacity, trust and communication, with the final aim of raising community involvement in the research procedure. It is a location to examine which equally includes all members in the research procedure and identifies the unique powers that everyone brings. Upgrading the public health more often necessitates moving far off the standard health care system to intervene integrated and original and new approaches. CBPR has appeared as a substitute research archetype which combines education and social activity to better health and intensify our scientific structure of knowledge in the regions of disease prevention, health promotion and health disparities. It is termed as a successful method for transporting evidence-based studies from clinical programs to communities that can mostly welfare thereby upgrading health. CBPRs community-scheduled research procedures offer the prospective to produce better-enlightened hypotheses, enhance more successful interventions, and develop the transcription of the examination results into the practice. So, CBPR is an important tool for activity-oriented and community-operated public health examination. (NIH) ADVANTAGES OF CBPR: The advantages of community-based participatory research are discussed below:- Giving benefits to the researchers and the community alike through the actions taken and knowledge acquired Developing the use and acceptability of data Raising the validity and quality of examination and research studies Making partners with various expertise to locate and communicate complicated public health problems Remove the cultural gaps and create trust between partners The prospective to transcript examination results to direct the enhancement of future interventions and change in policies Upgrading the implementation and intervention schedules by providing participant retention and enrolment (National institutes of health) IMPLEMENTATION OF CBPR: Quality of research: Writers of meditational studies (either CBPR or traditional) rottenly must put out their result and study attitude in disconnected articles. The character of CBPR further produces this disintegration when years of corporation expansion and teamwork must be distilled to little words in a minute number of journals eager to bring out this more expressive science. This may be why in sequence regarding the performance of CBPR, both in terms of neighbourhood participation and the examination, often was not present in the EPC-reviewed articles. A imperfect number of studies expressive a absolute and fully evaluated involvement—an observational revision or an epidemiologic learning that can be comprehensive beyond the members involved—have been available to date. Restraining factors emerge to be the resounding nature of most Federal supply, funding period extent and flexibility, and the page margins of journals. There was small confirmation to designate that high-class scores in neighbourhood collaboration are connected with low-quality explore scores. Recent singular journal problems focusing on CBPR have led a digit of publications to execute high-quality examine methods. CBPR support initiatives originating with Federal companies have the latent to do the equal. (Agency for health, research and quality) Intensity of Community Involvement: Community participation varied in dissimilar stages of the study. There was sturdy participation in recruiting revise participants, calculating and implementing the intrusion, and interpreting conclusion. Many writers argued that society involvement (particularly in these regions) leads to: Higher participation toll. Bigger external strength. Reduced loss of proceedings. Enlarged personage and community competence. The issues of community participation were not commonly reported, but they may take in: The prologue of selection unfairness (bias in recruitment). Reduced (and sometimes a nonexistence of) randomization. The possible selection of greatly motivated intrusion groups not delegate of the wider population. (AHRQ) CHALLENGES AND PROBLEMS RELATED TO CBPR: Community-based participatory research, as a comparatively new tactic, presents with sole problems and challenges for those who are involved in performing this type of examination. These issues relate to implementation within a cross-educational setting, quality and fairness of mutual partnerships, principles, and mechanical issues. Harrisonrecommended the subsequent procedures for fieldworkers who employ in combined research: Be bendable but be familiar with that everyone has restrictions Be enthusiastic to work together by sharing right, responsibility, and glory for success. Give considerate attention to the honest implications of your performance. Apply the notion of culture in each day working associations. Intrinsic in each of these guiding principles are challenges that need to be located. In our CBPR project, we faced technical, ethical, and interpersonal problems that were related to this course of action, as well as some supplementary challenges. Some major issues are listed below: Self-awareness and flexibility Collaboration Ethical issues Working within a civilization other than ones own A pledge of time Change can be frightening Supportability of the project (Holkup, 2004) END RESULTS OF CBPR: Research Quality Improved Results: The inspectors rated the 12 researches with finished involvements for research class and for observance to the ideology of community contribution. On a scale of 1 to 3, advanced scores reflected enhanced quality. The investigation quality scores reflected learning design stubbornness, with investigational studies ranking highest overall. Community contribution scores, though, appeared not as much of closely allied with study intend. And even as the scores on these two presentations extent are not directly equivalent, the average explore quality results ranged from 1.5 to 2.7 with a mean of 2.4, at the same time as the district participation quality results ranged from 1.5 to 3.1 with a mean of 2.3. When the EPC researchers saw the manipulation of community participation on the quality of interventional researches, they exposed 11 of the 12 concluded intervention studies had reported improved intervention superiority. Just two researchers reported improved end results, while eight famous enhanced enrolment efforts, four resulted enhanced research methods and diffusion, and three mentioned improved expressive measures. Very little proof of removed research quality consequential from CBPR was resulted. Capacity of Community and Research: Of the 60 studies revised, 47 resulted in enhanced community connection, together with added grant support and job formation, as a conclusion connected with the study. The writers—naturally academics—normally persisted on the amplified capability of the contributor neighbourhood, quite than that of the follow a line of investigation community. Health End Results: Along with the 12 studies examining finished involvements that play a part in health outcomes, 2 dealt with physiologic health end results, three with cancer screening actions, and four located other behavioural alterations (including alcohol utilization, immunization charge, and protected sex behaviour). At last, 3 studies calculated the impact of the involvement on touching support, empowerment, and member of staff well-being. Agreed the highly mottled health results, measurement procedures, and involvement approaches used, the EPC researchers are powerless to act upon a direct evaluation of studies and their comparative contact on health outcomes. Besides, a nonexistence of cost-effectiveness facts precluded any judgment of results from CBPR studies and those of more conventional research studies. (Health and Human services) CRITERIA OF FUNDING FOR CBPR: Current Approach by Funders: Centres for Disease organization/avoidance and the National organization of Environmental Health Sciences have been at the front position of Federal CBPR financial support to date. Detailed initiatives by these companies contain many of the EPC-reviewed studies. Importance in supporting CBPR at the Federal point is rising, given the current construction of an interagency operational grouping for Community-based Participatory Research. This group has begun combining information on breathing funding systems for CBPR. Consultation with persons from the NIH and CDC worked with producing requests for investigational proposals on precise topics and giving the review procedure less-scored the need for short direction materials (detail sheets) about CBPR for reviewers fewer familiar with this advance. Guiding principle for those writing RFAs intended to hearten CBPR submissions and papers given that direction for researchers presenting CBPR presentations also were suggested. Application’s Criteria: According to the particulars of conversations amid funders and researchers, the development of receiving funding for CBPR programs through conformist review programs can be a hard one. This is frequently as reviewers are less recognizable with (and maybe even sceptical about) the likelihood of integrating high-class straight research within the structure of a CBPR partnership. The EPC researchers acknowledged fairly few first-class finished involvements or observational studies, comparative to what seems to be many outstanding collaborations based on CBPR values. Guidelines for Applicants and Funding Institutions: Researchers produced three brief papers providing direction to funding institutions, applicants and reviewers, based on the EPCs reassess consultation with Federal endowment sources, reviews of financial support grouping Web sites, and the funding criterion mentioned above. The EPC designated to utilize the same re-evaluate criteria frequently used by agencies inside the U.S. subdivision of Health and Human Services in the expansion of these prototypes parameter documents; these criterion are both harmonized and meticulous. These papers (CBPR Exhibits 1, 2, and 3) are accessible on the RTI Web site. Participation in the Review procedure: Dialogue with funding presenters and their check of the narrative led EPC inspectors to counsel the insertion of intellectual experts for the satisfied area, and for CBPR procedures, on project submission reconsider panels. Furthermore, they suggested concerning persons with capability in both arenas. Researchers further recommended the possible value of counting community legislative body, but considered the need to adjust and organization the review panels to straight away and successfully tap into the knowledge of the neighbourhood government. (Department of Health and Human Services) APPLICATIONS OF CBPR IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES: The precedent two decades has experienced a fast propagation of community-based participatory research (CBPR) projects. CBPR tactic presents a substitute to conventional population-based biomedical studies practices by cheering vigorous and equivalent relationships between society members and educational investigators. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), the foremost biomedical research provision for environmental health, is a principal in developing the use of CBPR in areas where community-university relationships provide to enhance our considerate of environmentally associated disease. In this piece of writing, the writers emphasized six key main beliefs of CBPR and explain how these ethics are met within specific NIEHS-supported research inspections. These projects express that community-based participatory research be able to be an efficient tool to improve our information of the reasons and procedures of disorders having an ecological aetiology, decrease d adverse health results through original involvement strategies and strategy change, and concentrate on the environmental health problems of community population. (Liam R OFallon, 2002) USE OF CBPR: Achievement research results improved and more almost whole and accurate information from the society. Connecting the society in study is more likely to gather community requirements. Accomplishment research, by relating community partners, establishes more visibility for the attempt in the society. Society members are more expected to believe the authenticity of the study and buy into its conclusion if they know it was done by people like themselves, conceivably even individuals they know. Achievement research trains inhabitant researchers who can circle their skills to other struggles as well. Participation inCBPR alters individual’s ideas of themselves and of what they can do. Skills educated in the itinerary of action study carry over into other regions of researchers’ life. Aparticipatory deed research procedure can help to fracture down and division hurdles. Research helps individuals to better comprehend the forces that manipulate their lives. Society based action study can move communities toward optimistic social change. (CTB) CONCLUSION: Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is receiving raised acceptance among public health practitioners and researchers. But, there are no standard procedures in examining the standard of research methodology, the success of the involvement, and the resulting demands in the literature. The non-appearance of standard procedures precludes significant comparisons of CBPR researches. Many authors have presented a wide set of capabilities required for CBPR study for both organizations and individuals, but the discussion remains shattered. The Prevention Research Centres (PRC) schedule recently began a quality based testing of its national attempts, including an examination of how PRCs intervenes CBPR studies. Topics of attention include the community capacity for research, types of community partnerships, evaluation, factors that help and hinder partner relationships and training. The testing will likely donate to the enhancement of a standard set of capabilities and facilities req uired for effectual CBPR. CBPR has been assigned to as research plus in that, it not only raise the knowledge framework for public health but also guarantees to locate intercession that are available for circulation and are supportable because they have been enhanced with community involvement. An analysis of the quality and quantity of the CBPR written works exposes a picture as diverse as the projects, the communities involved and the researchers. Such utmost variation in methodology and standard does not cause a useful body of understanding. It is thus opportune and essential to describe a core set of expertise and skills required to be a CBPR investigator and describe the important resources and management of infrastructure needed to profitably support CBPR. Normalize the evaluation procedures will enhance the scientific exactness of the research methodology applied and upgrade the field’s capacity to study, comprehend, and rectify complex community health issues. The quality based examination of C BPR scheme within the PRC Program has the possibility to enhance this procedure. Once a concurred-upon set of compatibilities and resources are formed, testing of CBPR itself can start. (Faridi) REFERENCES: Agency for health, research and quality. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2014, from AHRQ. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2014, from CTB. (n.d.). Community Tool Box. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2014, from Faridi, Z. (n.d.). CDC. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from Health and Human services. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2014, from Holkup, P. A. (2004, July). ANS. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from Liam R OFallon, A. D. (2002, April). PMC. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from National institutes of health. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2014, from NIH. (n.d.). National Institute of health. Retrieved February 20, 2014, from 1 | Page

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Crucial Role of Symbols in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay -- Kill Moc

The Crucial Role of Symbols in To Kill a Mockingbird  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚   In To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, themes and central ideas of the novel are emphasized by subtle symbols. Symbols shown throughout the novel not only represent concrete objects but also ideas, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes of the characters. Some symbols even represent more than one thing. Lee's recurring use of symbols contribute to the underlying themes and ideas of the novel. Lee's unusual title is a symbol itself and it keeps the reader in anticipation while waiting for a mockingbird to enter the story. Symbols contribute to literature by causing the reader to examine the piece of work and look for meanings other than the literal one. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the use of symbols play a crucial role in the development of the novel. One of the first major symbols that emerge in the novel is Tim Johnson, a mad dog who is infected with rabies. Just as the dog is infected with rabies, the people of Maycomb County are "infected" with racism (Jones 54). When Tom Robinson is brought to trial, convicted, and ultimately murdered for a crime he did not commit, no one in the town seems to show any compassion or regret for him other than Atticus. Atticus describes the people of Maycomb as "mad dogs that he must confront" by defending Tom (Lee 103). To prove the symbol further, Atticus is the person called upon to shoot and kill Tim Johnson. This action by the people of Maycomb, show their deep trust in Atticus. As Atticus shoots and kills the mad dog, he also shots and kills racism in Maycomb as he steps up and defends Tom Robinson with all of his power. Through this action, Atticus is attempting to protect his neighbors from rabies as he wishes he coul... ... and Boo are uncanny. It is obvious that Harper Lee chose both of them as her mockingbirds. Lee's choice of such an unusual title is simply another symbol present in the novel. Lee's use of symbols re imperative to the development of her novel. The symbols give structure and hidden meaning to the text. As the reader contemplates the use of symbolism, the main theme always emerges: it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. Works Cited Erisman, Fred. "The Romantic Regionalism of Harper Lee." Alabama Review April 26, 1973: 122-36. Johnson, Claudia. "The Secret Courts of Men's Hearts:Code and Law in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird." Studies in American Fiction (1991):129-139. Jones, Carolyn. "Atticus Finch and the Mad Dog." The Southern Quarterly Summer 1996: 56-63. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. New York City, NY:   J.B.Lippincott Company, 1960.

Computer Hardware :: Technology Computers Papers

It seems that in today's world nothing can be done without a computer, but upon a closer look, you will find that it is the hardware components and input and output devices that make a computer useful. What is it that determines the speed at which a computer can find a file? How do you get a report from your PC to the members of your next Board meeting? It is the hardware that is used with your computer that allows you to accomplish all of your business needs using your computer. Data input is the collection of raw data that is used to find needed information. Data input is an important part of any business, but different businesses have different needs when it comes to input devices. Some common business needs and the best data input solution to solve them are listed below: Printed questionnaires- An optical mark recognizer (OCR) would be best because it will read the answers chosen by the participant and turn it in to digital data. Telephone survey- A voice recognition device would be the best solution because it would allow the telephone survey answers to be converted for digital use. Bank checks- A magnetic ink character recognition device (MICR) is the best answer for banks because it was developed by banks to read a special magnetic ink with pertinent data to be converted in to digital information (Stair & Reynolds, 2006). Retail tags- For retail tags, bar code scanners allow for keeping track of inventory and for pricing and labeling. Long documents- Optical data readers are the best bet for allowing long documents to be scanned into digital data. Once a company has the input they need in digital form, they must have a tool that allows them to create high quality output of the information gathered. There are many output devices, but it is important to have the correct one for the job. Listed below are some examples of output and the best way to get it: Hand held computer- The best way to get output from a hand held is through the built in liquid crystal display (LCD) since there are no other built in output features. Color photograph- A color photo should be printed on a high resolution photo printer, or if it is a very large photo, a color plotter would be a good option. Resume- Since most resumes are printed at home, a personal ink jet printer is the way to go.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Novel Eval :: Technology Papers

Novel Eval There appears to be some writing on the note ... Ethel Cindy R. Lucero English M01A Ms. Janet Cross April 16, 2001 A Gender Twist One great allure of computerized communication systems is their ability to allow participants to effortlessly reshape their selves and their appearance through the manipulation of words and images or representations rather than through modification of the physical body, a process requiring access to advanced biomedical technologies beyond the reach of most individuals. These communication systems allow people to escape boundaries and categories that have in the past constrained their activities and their identities. In communication, knowing the identity of those with whom you communicate is essential for understanding and evaluating an interaction. Yet in the disembodied world of the virtual community, identity is also ambiguous. Many of the basic cues about personality and social role we are accustomed to in the physical world are absent. Contained in that concept is the seed of a true revolution in computers and communication: the possibility that it may no longer be possible to make judgments based on physical and biological images before our eyes, that instead we may be forced to deal with shattered categories and shifting identities. Jesse Kornbluth, in his article titled {you make me feel like} A Virtual Woman, wrote about his experiences in using the internet as a means of communication with other people. His extraordinary revelations came from ordinary chat rooms where his identity changed to a woman. He is heterosexual, but once online, he becomes a virtual woman. This started when he first logged in, he was bored to death by regular chat rooms, where all people can see on the main window are terms like LOL (laughing out loud). He went on to the next level, which is the member room. They have inviting names such as M 4 M, Married and Restless, etc. He anticipated an interesting room but found out that it was a mess of men and women or men and men typing while they indulge themselves in hot chats of perversion. He was disappointed not to find smart and witty individuals to talk to on the net. He has a wonderful wife and a bunch of female friends, that if he was a slimeball, he could have as much lovers as he wants. So he is not interested in all the junk cybersex has to offer.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Modern Technology vs Books

One of the most important marvels of modern technology is the Internet, which has not just revolutionized the process of information retrieval, but also, dramatically changed the way people seek information. If in the past, people often had to spend so much time and energy going through many pages or sheets of printed media only to seek for specific information, now with the aid of the internet; information retrieval can be much easier and time-saving. The revolutionary way which the internet offers triggers an intriguing question whether it will replace books or printed media as the main source of information.From my observation, I tend to believe that it will. My main reason is because it has so many advantages over printed media, which make the former (the internet) more preferable, more interesting, more attractive, and even more reliable than the latter (printed media). As a result, more and more people turn to the internet every time they need to seek for information. Here are some of the advantages which I can list to support my belief. First, the kinds of information which the internet provides are almost unlimited.We can find almost any topics from a single computer equipped with a good connection to the internet, while it is impossible to find such a large number of topics only from a single book or a single newspaper. As a result, when people need almost any information, ranging from the latest news, house rentals, car sales, to public transport schedules and fares, they rely on the internet rather than printed media. Second, the information stored in the internet can be updated at very short intervals, enabling its users to always get the latest progress or development.This kind of updating can’t be applied to printed media and thus, printed media always lags behind the internet. Third, the internet also provides other facilities that printed media can’t provide. For example, it enables its users to perform multitasking or interactivit y, so that they can communicate with other people, play online games, download or upload pictures, and so on, while seeking for information. Fourth, the optimization of internet usage can reduce paper consumption significantly. Since the environmental awareness is on the rise, people are encouraged to reduce paper consumption.More paper consumption can lead to more deforestation because the raw materials for making paper basically come from forests. As a result, paperless office and â€Å"going paperless† are being intensively promoted, and here in this context, the internet has proved to be supportive. Looking at the rapidly widespread use of the internet and people’s increasing reliance on it, I believe that someday the internet will triumph over printed media. The first signs of it have shown. For example, the number of internet users is increasing so dramatically, while the sale of printed media is decreasing.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Detrimental Effects of Teenage in the Philippines

Maderazo, Shelah Abigail S. A42 ORT Detrimental make of Teenage in the Philippines Teenage gestation period is one of the major problems in the hale world. Like in other countries, Philippines too suffer this kind of problem. According to survey, immaturers from 15-24 eld old be suffering teenage motherliness. Here in the Philippines, 16. 5 one million million million teenagers suffer unwanted gestation. Because of this problem concord to statistics, every year at least 64,000 teenagers have abortions because of the unwanted motherhood that they ar experiencing.Also according to Statistics, 20 to 25% of mothers atomic number 18 in their teenage years. t here atomic number 18 so galore(postnominal) f identification numberors why teenagers ar suffering from early pregnancy. matchless of them is antenuptial evoke. Premarital raise is an intercourse mingled with fresh couples or primarily sex before marriage. Secondly, is the effect of mass media in the lives o f the y turn uph. Every day they be bombarded with prenuptial sex through television, movies, billboards with naked models, unseemly magazines, etc. Thirdly, is wrong concept of recognise. For them esteem is the main base for relationship.This is the occasion why many teenagers do this to bear witness and prove their love to their mates. Girls are to a greater extent affected with this practice because they move and act according to their emotion. Many times, girls do this out of pressure of their boyfriends to show and prove their love to them. Another chemical element according to studies is accomplice pressure. Friends are very important to teenagers. They take to be friendship so much. They want to flout in to their group of friends. Teenagers suffer on wrong concept of virginity. You are not in if you have no do it on sex.Virginity for them is thing of the past. Another factor is lack of sex education from parents, from the church building and the school. This is th e result of our thinking from the past that sex is dirty and immoral. last is curiosity. Because they are curious, they conk out involved in it without their parents consent and sometimes lead to multiple sex arrest. There are many destructive effect of prenuptial sex in the lives of teenagers One of them is that teenagers ordain not finish their studies. preferably of attending schools, they are busy taking care of their babies.Secondly, young experience of pregnancy is dangerous for their health. youthfulness pregnancy leave alone lead to many illness and complications among women. Young women that aborted the foul up, according to studies are very libellous to our body. Once you experience abortion, there are chances that you impart have a catchy time on your pregnancy. The hold of the baby in your womb will be weak this can turn to miscarriage. The clear up consequence of premarital sex is you skill get harmful and deadly diseases such(prenominal) as AIDS and HI V computer virus that eventually lead to early death.Thirdly, many lives and families suffer because teenagers who became pregnant at young age usually lack of experience on how to raise their own family. Later, what they did, will also do of their children. This is the main causation why there are so many broken and dysfunctional families of today. Lastly and the worst of all, teen pregnancy will lead to abortion. I say, it is the worst consequence, because abortion is killing lives. One popular solecism nowadays that we always see and ascertain in the news is about fetuses are left in churches, in the street, in the garbage and recently in airplane.Teenagers give abortion, because, they are ashamed what other mass will think of them. Many times, they are afraid to their parents. Seeing all the detrimental effects of teen pregnancy, teenagers should flee from this act. Teenagers should and must avoid premarital sex. Teenagers should think first gear of their future and the c onsequence they will wait when they will indulge with it. Our government should fishing tackle this sensitive issue with much think and studying. They should think of ways to prevent teenage pregnancy and even abortion.I do consider sex education should be include in the school curriculum to enlighten students about premarital sex, teenage pregnancy and its consequences. To conclude, teen pregnancy usually ruins the lives of many teenagers. Most of them drop dead delinquent, involve to crimes, killing, become liabilities to society, and sometimes lead to early death. We come that mostly the end- result of teenage pregnancy is abortion. Abortion is immoral and illegal here in the Philippines. Since we a Christian country, committing premarital sex is committing mortal sin.